Unlikely Result

Which of the following is the most likely if the coin is fair?

Getting heads at least twice from flipping four coins Getting heads at least once from flipping two coins Getting heads at least four times from flipping eight coins They are all have equal likelihood Getting heads at least three times from flipping six coins

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1 solution

Deva Craig
Jun 4, 2017

The probability of getting at least one head from flipping two coins would be 3/4 because the only possible way to not get heads would be if flips result in tails.

On the other hand, if you were to flip four coins, you can only get 2 4 ^{4} or 16 different possible combinations. There are only 11 different ways to get at least two heads from flipping the four coins, which you can calculate if you consider the fact that the only ways to not get at least two heads is if you get only one head or no heads. There are only four possibilities of getting only one head, and only one instance when none of the flips are heads. Therefore, there is a 11 16 \frac{11}{16} chance of getting at least two heads from flipping four coins, which is less than 3 4 \frac{3}{4} .

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