#28 of June 2015 Grade 10 CSAT(Korean SAT) Mock test

Geometry Level 4

As shown above, there is a regular triangle A B C ABC .

Let M , N M\text{, }N be midpoints of A B \overline{AB} and A C \overline{AC} .

M N \overrightarrow{MN} and the circumcircle of A B C \triangle ABC intersect at point P P , which satisfies N P = 1 \overline{NP}=1 .

Define x = M N x=\overline{MN} .

Find the value of 10 ( x 2 + 1 x 2 ) 10\left(x^2+\dfrac{1}{x^2}\right) .

This problem is a part of <Grade 10 CSAT Mock test> series .

The answer is 30.

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2 solutions

Boi (보이)
Jun 8, 2017

Because of the property of a circle, N A × N C = N P × N Q \overline{NA}\times\overline{NC}=\overline{NP}\times\overline{NQ} .

x × x = 1 × ( x + 1 ) x\times x=1\times(x+1)

Simplify that and we get

x 2 x 1 = 0 x 1 x = 1 x 2 + 1 x 2 = ( x 1 x ) 2 + 2 = 3 x^2-x-1=0 \\ x-\frac{1}{x}=1 \\ x^2+\frac{1}{x^2}=\left(x-\frac{1}{x}\right)^2+2=\text{ }3


10 ( x 2 + 1 x 2 ) = 10 × 3 = 30 10\left(x^2+\dfrac{1}{x^2}\right)=10\times3=\boxed{30}

I solved it using the assumption that the triangle is equilateral (and so did you) but you never mentioned in the problem statement that the triangle was equilateral.

H K - 4 years ago

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I'm so first to Brilliant so I'm currently undergoing the process of incessantly making mistakes.

But again, thank you. I would've never noticed if you were not to tell me that.

Boi (보이) - 4 years ago

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