2 n 2^n

Can a number 2 n 2^n ever have four equal right most digits?

For example 842222 or 346262222.

*Bonus : Prove your answer

This is a problem from the 2015 mathematics challenge held by Lincoln university.
No Yes

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1 solution

Zk Lin
Feb 14, 2016

The answer is no.

Since a power of 2 2 can only end in 2 , 4 , 6 2,4,6 or 8 8 , write any such number as 2 n = 10000 a + 1111 b 2^{n}=10000a+1111b , where b = 2 , 4 , 6 b=2,4,6 or 8 8 with a > 0 a>0

Suppose that b = 2 b=2 , then

2 n = 10000 a + 2222 2^{n}=10000a+2222

2 n 1 = 5000 a + 1111 2^{n-1}=5000a+1111 . ( n > 1 (n > 1 since 5000 a > 1 ) 5000a>1)

The L.H.S. is even, but R.H.S. is not, a contradiction.

Suppose that b = 4 b=4 , then

2 n = 10000 a + 4444 2^{n}=10000a+4444

2 n 2 = 2500 a + 1111 2^{n-2}=2500a+1111 . ( n > 2 (n > 2 since 2500 a > 1 ) 2500a>1)

The L.H.S. is even, but R.H.S. is not, a contradiction.

Suppose that b = 6 b=6 , then

2 n = 10000 a + 6666 2^{n}=10000a+6666

2 n 1 = 5000 a + 3333 2^{n-1}=5000a+3333 . ( n > 1 (n > 1 since 5000 a > 1 ) 5000a>1)

The L.H.S. is even, but R.H.S. is not, a contradiction.

Suppose that b = 8 b=8 , then

2 n = 10000 a + 8888 2^{n}=10000a+8888

2 n 3 = 1250 a + 1111 2^{n-3}=1250a+1111 . ( n > 3 (n > 3 since 1250 a > 1 ) 1250a>1)

The L.H.S. is even, but R.H.S. is not, a contradiction.

The conclusion follows.

Moderator note:

Great solution. Using Chinese Remainder Theorem, we simply need to show that for n 5 n \geq 5 ,

0 2 n 1111 × k ( m o d 2 4 ) 0 \equiv 2 ^n \equiv 1111 \times k \pmod{2^4 }

has no solution where 1 k 9 1 \leq k \leq 9 . This is obvious.

Nice solution!

Soumava Pal - 5 years, 3 months ago

Exactly Same Way.

Kushagra Sahni - 5 years, 4 months ago

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