2's in 22's in November 22

1122 0 (mod 2 ) 11223344 0 (mod 2 2 ) 112233445566 0 (mod 2 3 ) 1122334455667788 0 (mod 2 4 ) \begin{aligned} 1122 &\equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2) \\ 11223344 &\equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^2) \\ 112233445566 &\equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^3) \\ 1122334455667788 &\equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^4) \end{aligned}

How many of the congruences above are true?

None of the answers. 1 3 4 2

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1 solution

Chew-Seong Cheong
Nov 21, 2018
  • Since 1122 is even, 1122 0 (mod 2) 1122 \equiv 0 \text{ (mod 2)} -- True
  • 11223344 11223300 + 44 112233 × 5 2 × 2 2 + 44 44 0 (mod 2 2 ) 11223344 \equiv 11223300 + 44 \equiv 112233 \times 5^2 \times 2^2 + 44 \equiv 44 \equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^2) -- True
  • Similarly, 112233445566 566 6 ≢ 0 (mod 2 3 ) 112233445566 \equiv 566 \equiv 6 \not \equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^3) -- False
  • And 1122334455667788 7788 12 ≢ 0 (mod 2 4 ) 1122334455667788 \equiv 7788 \equiv 12 \not \equiv 0 \text{ (mod }2^4) -- False

Therefore, 2 \boxed 2 equations are true.

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