An old tale tells this story... There are 3 Bears and 3 Lions, together in the town of Babylon. You must transport all 6 animals to the nearby town of Sippar. You have the following constraints:
What is the least amount of trips you must take from Babylon to Sippar in order to transport all six animals safely to Sippar?
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It is very helpful to get some items to represent this... i.e. 3 blue markers as the bears and 3 red markers as the lions...
You need 5 trips from Babylon to Sippar (thus 4 trips from Sippar to babylon) to accomplish the task at hand... sequence is as follows:
You can switch every Bear for Lion, and Lion for Bear for the "other" solution...
Here is my paper solution - horizontal lines to right go to Sippar, diagonal lines to left are to Babylon - I do note with a Y where "You" are located, left side you are in Babylon, right side in Sippar (it is important to see the supervised and unsupervised situations...)