3-digit Prime Numbers

What is the largest 3-digit prime number?

The answer is 997.

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1 solution

Arron Kau Staff
May 13, 2014

Let's check from the top. Since 999 = 3 × 333 999 = 3 \times 333 and 998 = 2 × 449 998 = 2 \times 449 , neither of them will be prime. We will show that 997 997 is prime.

To check that a number N N is prime, we just have to check that none of the integers from 2 2 to N \sqrt{N} are a divisor of N N . This is because if N = a × b N= a \times b , then one of the numbers a a or b b must be at most N \sqrt{N} .

Moreover, it suffices to only check prime numbers. Since 997 < 32 \sqrt{ 997} < 32 , let's do the division.

997 = 2 × 498 + 1 997 = 3 × 332 + 1 997 = 5 × 199 + 2 997 = 7 × 142 + 3 997 = 11 × 90 + 7 997 = 13 × 76 + 9 997 = 17 × 58 + 11 997 = 23 × 43 + 8 997 = 29 × 34 + 11 997 = 31 × 32 + 5 \begin{aligned} 997 & =\ 2 \times 498\ +\ 1 \\ 997 & =\ 3 \times 332\ +\ 1 \\ 997 & =\ 5 \times 199\ +\ 2 \\ 997 & =\ 7 \times 142\ +\ 3 \\ 997 & =\ 11 \times 90\ +\ 7 \\ 997 & =\ 13 \times 76\ +\ 9 \\ 997 & =\ 17 \times 58\ +\ 11 \\ 997 & =\ 23 \times 43\ +\ 8 \\ 997 & =\ 29 \times 34\ +\ 11 \\ 997 & =\ 31 \times 32\ +\ 5 \\ \end{aligned}

Hence, the above shows that 997 is indeed prime. Thus, it is the largest 3-digit prime number.

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