3 door problem

Logic Level 1

Imagine you are walking for days in desert, and you see 3 doors in front of you, with a text above them, that you have to chose from 3 doors which to enter. Only behind one from the three there is water and food supplies and a car to escape the desert. As soon you choose door, a voice tells you that he will open one of the doors that there is still desert behind it. So what you do? Change the pick or stay with your current choice ?

I definitely make a change. Perhaps I don't change my choice. It doesn't matter, If I change.

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2 solutions

Mohammad Farhat
Aug 12, 2018

This is the related to the Monty Hall Problem. See this wiki

Lubomir Eredanski
Aug 12, 2018

First, the chance of making the win-decision is 1 door of 3 - 1/3 . But as soon as the voice opens the non-win door. The chance of choosing the win-door is 1/2 or 50% . So the chance is much greater. You have to think about a larger situation where the choices are hundred and the voice opens 98 doors. First the chance was 1/100 or 1% now after there are 98 less doors there are only 2 doors so the chance is 50% . This is only theoretical proven as it comes to me. If you are lucky enough you will win even in the 1% situation.

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