3 Factors = 2 Factors?

( p 4 ) ( p + 1 ) ( p + 3 ) = ( n 4 ) ( n + 4 ) \large (p-4)(p+1)(p+3)=(n-4)(n+4)

Find the sum of all primes p p satisfying the equation above, with n n is a positive integer.

The answer is 49.

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1 solution

Alex Letizia
May 1, 2016

Relevant wiki: General Diophantine Equations - Problem Solving

Multiply the factors:
p 3 13 p + 4 = n 2 p ( p 2 13 ) = ( n 2 ) ( n + 2 ) . p^3-13p+4=n^2 \Rightarrow p(p^2-13)=(n-2)(n+2).
Distinguish two cases

Case 1: p ( n 2 ) p\mid(n-2) and ( n + 2 ) ( p 2 13 ) (n+2)\mid(p^2-13)
that is
n = k p + 2 and p 2 = n k + 2 k + 13 , n=kp+2 \text{ and } p^2=nk+2k+13,
replacing the first in the second,
p 2 = k 2 p + 4 k + 13 p 2 k 2 p 4 k 13 = 0 p^2=k^2p+4k+13 \Rightarrow p^2-k^2p-4k-13=0
which must provide entire solutions , therefore,
p = k 2 ± Δ 2 p=\frac{k^2\pm{\sqrt{\Delta}}}{2}
in which Δ = k 4 + 16 k + 52 = m 2 \Delta=k^4+16k+52=m^2 with m Z m\in\mathbb{Z} .
With k = 1 k=1 there are no integer solutions ; in addition with k > 0 k>0
k 4 < Δ < ( k 2 + 8 ) 2 k^4<\Delta<(k^2+8)^2
so Δ = ( k 2 + 2 i ) 2 \Delta=(k^2+2i)^2 with i = 1 , 2 , 3 i=1,2,3 .
Comparing the expressions as we get acceptable solutions
Δ = k 4 + 16 k + 52 = ( k 2 + 2 i ) 2 k = 6 if i = 1 and k = 2 if i = 3. \Delta=k^4+16k+52=(k^2+2i)^2 \Rightarrow k=6 \text{ if }i=1 \text{ and } k=2 \text{ if } i=3.
Substituting , we find that p = 37 , 7 p=37,7 .

Case 2: p ( n + 2 ) p\mid(n+2) and ( n 2 ) ( p 2 13 ) (n-2)\mid(p^2-13)
that is
n = k p 2 and p 2 = n k 2 k + 13 , n=kp-2 \text{ and } p^2=nk-2k+13,
replacing the first in the second it has
p 2 = k 2 p 4 k + 13 p 2 k 2 p + 4 k 13 = 0 p^2=k^2p-4k+13 \Rightarrow p^2-k^2p+4k-13=0
which must provide entire solutions , therefore,
p = k 2 ± Δ 2 p=\frac{k^2\pm{\sqrt{\Delta}}}{2}
in which Δ = k 4 16 k + 52 = m 2 \Delta=k^4-16k+52=m^2 with m Z m\in\mathbb{Z} .
With k = 1 k=1 there are no integer solutions; in addition with k > 1 k>1
( k 2 4 ) 2 < Δ ( k 2 + 2 ) 2 (k^2-4)^2<\Delta\leq(k^2+2)^2
so Δ = ( k 2 2 i ) 2 \Delta=(k^2-2i)^2 with i = 1 , 0 , 1 i=1,0,-1 .
Comparing the expressions as we get acceptable solutions
Δ = k 4 16 k + 52 = ( k 2 2 i ) 2 k = 2 if i = 1. \Delta=k^4-16k+52=(k^2-2i)^2 \Rightarrow k=2 \text{ if }i=-1.
Substituting , we find that p = 5 p=5 .
Finally it follows that for n 0 n\geq0 p = 5 , 7 , 37 p={5,7,37} so 5 + 7 + 37 = 49 . 5+7+37=\fbox{49} .

If exist a case named: p ( n + 2 ) ( n 2 ) 3 p|\frac{(n+2)(n-2)}{3} and 3 ( p 2 13 ) 3|(p^2-13) For some n n that 3 ( n 2 ) 3|(n-2) How about discuss for this? and more for replace 3 for another number?

Kelvin Hong - 3 years, 11 months ago

Great estimates for Δ \Delta - nearly resorted to looking up closed forms for polynomials of forth order,,,

Carsten Meyer - 1 year, 8 months ago

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