300 followers problem! Conics!

Geometry Level 5

Three normals are drawn from P ( 14 , 7 ) P(14,7) to the parabola y 2 16 x 8 y = 0 , y^2-16x-8y=0, A, B and C are conormal points, then area of A B G \triangle ABG where G G is centroid of A B C \triangle ABC is α \alpha . Calculate 45 2 × α \dfrac{45}{2}×\alpha .

Details and Assumptions

  • Conormal points are those points normal from which are concurrent. (Intersects at P P in this case)

The answer is 300.

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2 solutions

Pranjal Jain
Feb 13, 2015

Lets try to convert equation of parabola to standard form.

y 2 16 x 8 y = 0 ( y 4 ) 2 = 16 ( x + 1 ) = 0 y^2-16x-8y=0\\(y-4)^2=16(x+1)=0

Defining new coordinates as Y = y 4 , X = x + 1 Y=y-4, X=x+1 , we get,

Y 2 = 16 X Y^2=16X

Now assume a general point on this parabola be ( 4 t 2 , 8 t ) (4t^2,8t) where 't' is the parameter.

Point P P in new coordinate system becomes P ( 15 , 3 ) P(15,3) .

A general equation of normal from a point ( 4 t 2 , 8 t ) (4t^2,8t) is y + t x = 8 t + 4 t 3 y+tx=8t+4t^3 .

Substituting P P in this equation,

3 + 15 t = 8 t + 4 t 3 4 t 3 7 t 3 = 0 ( t + 1 ) ( 2 t + 1 ) ( 2 t 3 ) = 0 t = 1 , 1 2 , 3 2 3+15t=8t+4t^3\\4t^3-7t-3=0\\(t+1)(2t+1)(2t-3)=0\\t=-1,\frac{-1}{2},\frac{3}{2}

So the points will be A ( 9 , 12 ) , B ( 4 , 8 ) , C ( 1 , 4 ) A(9,12),B(4,-8),C(1,-4)

Using determinants, we can calculate area of A B C \triangle ABC as 40 40

Now, since G G is centroid, α = A B G = A B C 3 = 40 3 \alpha =\triangle ABG=\dfrac{\triangle ABC}{3}=\dfrac{40}{3}

45 2 α = 45 2 × 40 3 = 300 \dfrac{45}{2}\alpha =\dfrac{45}{2}×\dfrac{40}{3}=300

One simple yet interesting thing to note is the fact that area of a closed curve is independent of origin. Thus, transformation made no change to our answer.

Same! And congo for 300 and really Answer of this problem suits the situation !

Deepanshu Gupta - 6 years, 4 months ago

Did the same ! Even the answer comes out to be 300 !!! :)

A Former Brilliant Member - 6 years, 4 months ago

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That's the reason why I multiplied it by 45 2 \dfrac{45}{2}

Pranjal Jain - 6 years, 4 months ago
Lu Chee Ket
Feb 13, 2015

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