300 Followers Problem - Polynomial Differential Reciprocal Summations!

Algebra Level 5

Let P ( x ) = z = 0 2015 a z x z \large{P(x) = \displaystyle \sum_{z=0}^{2015} a_z x^z} be a polynomial with real coefficients a z a_z defined by a z = ln ( e + z ) a_z = \ln(e+z) having simple roots r 1 , r 2 , , r 2015 r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_{2015} . Evaluate the value of the following upto three correct places of decimals:

k = 0 2014 ( i = 1 2015 r i k 1 P ( r i ) ) = ? \large{\sum_{k=0}^{2014} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{2015} \dfrac{r_i^{k-1}}{P'(r_i)} \right) = \ ?}

The answer is -0.868.

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1 solution

Satyajit Mohanty
Sep 13, 2015

Instead of 201 5 t h 2015^{th} degree, let us generalize the problem for n t h n^{th} degree.

Consider the function:

Q ( x ) = i r i k P ( x ) P ( r i ) ( x r i ) x k Q(x) = \sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^k P(x)}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} - x^k

where P ( x ) P(x) is a n t h n^{th} degree polynomial with simple roots r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , , r n r_1, r_2, r_3, \ldots , r_n and k k is any integer with 0 k ( n 1 ) 0 \leq k \leq (n-1) . Since ( x r i ) P ( x ) (x-r_i)|P(x) for all i i , the function Q ( x ) Q(x) is a polynomial of degree (at most) n 1 n-1 . For any root r j r_j ,

Q ( r j ) = i j r i k P ( r j ) P ( r i ) ( r j r i ) + lim x r j r j k P ( x ) P ( r j ) ( x r j ) r j k Q(r_j) = \sum_{i \neq j} \dfrac{r_i^k P(r_j)}{P'(r_i)(r_j - r_i)} + \lim_{x \to r_j} \dfrac{r_j^k P(x)}{P'(r_j)(x-r_j)} - r_j^k = lim x r j ( r j k P ( r j ) ) ( P ( x ) p ( r j ) x r j ) r j k = r j k P ( r j ) P ( r j ) r j k = 0 = \lim_{x \to r_j} \left(\dfrac{r_j^k }{P'(r_j)} \right) \left( \dfrac{P(x) - p(r_j)}{x-r_j} \right) - r_j^k = \dfrac{r_j^k P'(r_j)}{P'(r_j)} - r_j^k = 0

Therefore Q ( x ) = 0 Q(x) = 0 for n n distinct values r 1 , r 2 , , r n r_1, r_2, \ldots, r_n , but since Q ( x ) Q(x) has a degree of at most n 1 n-1 , it must be identically zero. Thus:

i r i k P ( x ) P ( r i ) ( x r i ) x k = 0 \sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^k P(x)}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} - x^k = 0

and, if x r i x \neq r_i for all i i , we have;

i r i k P ( r i ) ( x r i ) = x k P ( x ) . . . ( 1 ) \sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^k}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} = \dfrac{x^k}{P(x)} \qquad ...(1)

For k = 0 k=0 in ( 1 ) (1) , we have:

i 1 P ( r i ) ( x r i ) = 1 P ( x ) \sum_{i} \dfrac{1}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} = \dfrac{1}{P(x)}

and by setting x = 0 x=0 , we have i 1 P ( r i ) r i = 1 P ( 0 ) = 1 a 0 \displaystyle \sum_{i} \dfrac{1}{P'(r_i)r_i} = -\dfrac{1}{P(0)} = -\dfrac{1}{a_0}

For k = n 1 k=n-1 in ( 1 ) (1) , we have:

i r i n 1 P ( r i ) ( x r i ) = x n 1 P ( x ) and i ( r i n 1 P ( r i ) ) ( x x r i ) = x n P ( x ) \sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^{n-1}}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} = \dfrac{x^{n-1}}{P(x)} \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_{i} \left(\dfrac{r_i^{n-1}}{P'(r_i)} \right) \left(\dfrac{x}{x-r_i} \right) = \dfrac{x^n}{P(x)}

By taking the infinite limit:

lim x i ( r i n 1 P ( r i ) ) ( x x r i ) = lim x x n P ( x ) and i ( r i n 1 P ( r i ) ) = 1 a n \lim_{x \to \infty} \sum_{i} \left(\dfrac{r_i^{n-1}}{P'(r_i)} \right) \left(\dfrac{x}{x-r_i} \right) = \lim_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{x^n}{P(x)} \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_{i} \left(\dfrac{r_i^{n-1}}{P'(r_i)} \right) = \dfrac{1}{a_n}

Additionally for 0 < k < n 2 0 < k < n-2 (that is 1 < k + 1 < n 1 1 < k+1 < n-1 ) in ( 1 ) (1) , we have:

i r i k + 1 P ( r i ) ( x r i ) = x k + 1 P ( x ) \sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^{k+1}}{P'(r_i)(x-r_i)} = \dfrac{x^{k+1}}{P(x)}

and for x = 0 x=0 , we have, i r i k + 1 P ( r i ) ( r i ) = 0 \displaystyle -\sum_{i} \dfrac{r_i^{k+1}}{P'(r_i)(r_i)} = 0 and i r i k P ( r i ) = 0 \displaystyle \sum_i \dfrac{r_i^k}{P'(r_i)} = 0 .

We conclude that:

i r i k P ( r i ) = { 1 a 0 if k = 1 0 if 0 k n 2 1 a n if k = n 1 \large{\sum_i \dfrac{r_i^k}{P'(r_i)} = \begin{cases} \color{#3D99F6}{-\dfrac{1}{a_0} \quad \text{ if } k=-1} \\ 0 \qquad \text{ if } 0 \leq k \leq n-2 \\ \color{#D61F06}{\dfrac{1}{a_n} \qquad \text{ if } k = n-1} \\ \end{cases} }

We will sum upto the asked limit, and we also know that a z = ln ( e + z ) a_z = \ln(e + z) . We have:

k = 0 2014 ( i = 1 2015 r i k 1 P ( r i ) ) = 1 a 2015 1 a 0 = 1 ln ( e + 2015 ) 1 ln ( e ) 0.868 \large{\sum_{k=0}^{2014} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{2015} \dfrac{r_i^{k-1}}{P'(r_i)} \right) = \dfrac{1}{a_{2015}} - \dfrac{1}{a_0} = \dfrac{1}{\ln(e+2015)} - \dfrac{1}{\ln(e)} \approx \boxed{-0.868}}

one of the hardest problems in brilliant, i had to resort to technology for this. would you elaborate the limits.

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 7 months ago

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