300 Followers question!

Algebra Level 3

300 x 299 + 299 x 4 + 343 x 3 + 23 x + 300 = 0 300x^{299}+299x^4+343x^3+23x+300=0

If α \alpha is the real root of the equation above, find α \lfloor \alpha \rfloor .

The answer is -1.

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3 solutions

Nihar Mahajan
Apr 3, 2015

We can do this by eradicating cases.

If α > 0 \alpha>0 we see that whole expression always remains positive.

If α < 1 \alpha<-1 we see that 300 x 299 300x^{299} becomes too much large for the expression to be zero , making the polynomial always negative.

So we can easily conclude that 1 < α < 0 -1<\alpha<0 and hence α = 1 \lfloor \alpha \rfloor = -1

Let f ( x ) = 300 x 299 + 299 x 4 + 343 x 3 + 23 x + 300 f(x) = 300x^{299}+299x^4+343x^3+23x+300 . We note that: f ( 0 ) = 300 f(0) = 300 and f ( 1 ) = 67 f(-1) = -67 . Therefore, there is a real root of f ( x ) f(x) in 1 < x < 0 -1<x<0 . And this is the only root because for x < 2 x<-2 or x > 2 x>2 , f ( x ) 300 x 299 f(x) \approx 300x^{299} a constantly increasing function. Therefore, 1 < α < 0 α = 1 -1< \alpha < 0\quad \Rightarrow \lfloor \alpha \rfloor = \boxed{-1} .

The following graph shows the real root α \alpha .

Deepak Kumar
Apr 3, 2015

By observation, it is clear that the root is negative as the expression is positive for x>0 and equals 300 at x=0.Now by some hit and trial f(-1)<0 => f(0)*f(-1)<0=> The real root lies between -1 and 0 => [alpha]=-1

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