
Algebra Level 1


1 × 2 × 3 1 + 2 + 3 . \frac{ 1 \times 2 \times 3 } { 1 + 2 + 3 }.

The answer is 1.

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9 solutions

Nafla P.V
Aug 13, 2013

1 2 3 =6 1+2+3 =6

then 6/6 =1

3x2x1=6,3+2+1=6 then 6/6=1

Md Yeasin - 7 years, 10 months ago

2x3=6 1+5=6 6 sobre 6=1

Noreen Marpuri
Aug 17, 2013

1X2X3/1+2+3 =6/6 =1

GeMima Ganancias
Aug 17, 2013

multiply first the numerator 1x2x3 .. which is equal to 6 then add the denominator 1+2+3. which is equal to 6

then. divide the numerator by the denominator.. to come up with 1

Sasmit Agarwal
Aug 16, 2013

Numerator: 1x2x3=6 Denominator: 1+2+3=6


Jaafar Azizi
Aug 16, 2013

1x2x3=6 and 1+2+3=6 then 6/6 =1 then 1 is correct!

NyAsia Hunter
Aug 16, 2013

First I multiplied all the numbers on the top row together and got 6. Then I added all the numbers on the bottom row together and got 6. Last I divided 6 by 6 and got my answer, which is 1.

Har Chun Wai
Aug 12, 2013

Solve the top first: 1x2x3=9 Then, the bottom: 1+2+3=6 9 divide by 6 equals 1.5. Round off the answer: 1.5=1 Therefore, the answer is 1

Moderator note:

Note that when you need to round off your answer, it is no longer accurate nor correct.

As per I know 1x2x3 is not equal to 9.

Shubhankar Gupto - 7 years, 10 months ago
Sourav Kabiraj
Aug 12, 2013


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