4 = 40

Algebra Level 3

Let a,b,c and d be four positive integers ,

  • a < b < c < d

  • a + b + c + d = 40

  • You can get any positive integer up to 40, Using a,b,c and d (each integer you can use one time or zero) , and the operations { + , - } only !

For example : if d = 15 ,
● You can get 40 by : a + b + c + d
● Yoy can get 25 by : a + b + c
● You can get 10 by : a + b + c - d

So, what is : (2ad - bc)

38 20 18 23 32 27

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1 solution

Henry U
Dec 8, 2018

The key is to write the integers up to 40 in base 3:

base 10 1 10 1_{10} 2 10 2_{10} 3 10 3_{10} 4 10 4_{10} 5 10 5_{10} 6 10 6_{10} \cdots 3 9 10 39_{10} 4 0 10 40_{10}
base 3 1 3 1_3 2 3 2_3 1 0 3 10_3 1 1 3 11_3 1 2 3 12_3 2 0 3 20_3 \cdots 111 0 3 1110_3 111 1 3 1111_3

Then, every integer can be written using sums and differences of powers of 3, so 1 , 3 , 9 , 27 \boxed{1,3,9,27} by the following rules that are applied to each digit going from right to left

  • If there is a 0 in the base 3 representation, the corresponding power isn't used.
  • If there is a 1 in the base 3 representation, the corresponding power is used with a positive sign, so it is added.
  • If there is a 2 in the base 3 representation, the corresponding power of 3 is subtracted in the sum. Then, the base 3 representation is modified by adding this power of 3 – making the digit with a 2 to a 0 – and the other powers of 3 are determined by applying these rules to the modified number, starting with the next digit, not the rightmost digit again.

(A few examples are written in a comment to this solution)

So, ( a , b , c , d ) = ( 1 , 3 , 9 , 27 ) (a,b,c,d)=(1,3,9,27) are integers that can make all integers up to 40 and they satisfy the given conditions because 1 < 3 < 9 < 27 1<3<9<27 and 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40 1+3+9+27=40 .

This means that the answer is 2 1 27 3 9 = 27 2 \cdot 1 \cdot 27 - 3 \cdot 9 = \boxed{27} .

A few examples on how to apply the rules


1 2 10 = 11 0 3 12_{10}=110_3

From right to left:

11 0 0 × 1 11{\color{#D61F06}0} \Rightarrow 0 \times 1

1 1 0 + 1 × 3 1{\color{#D61F06}1}0 \Rightarrow +1 \times 3

1 10 + 1 × 9 {\color{#D61F06}1}10 \Rightarrow +1 \times 9

12 = + 3 + 9 \boxed{12=+3+9}


1 1 10 = 10 2 3 11_{10}=102_3

From right to left:

10 2 1 × 1 10{\color{#D61F06}2} \Rightarrow -1 \times 1

Modify to 11 + 1 = 12 = 11 0 3 11+1=12 = 110_3

1 1 0 + 1 × 3 1{\color{#D61F06}1}0 \Rightarrow +1 \times 3

1 10 + 1 × 9 {\color{#D61F06}1}10 \Rightarrow +1 \times 9

12 = 1 + 3 + 9 \boxed{12=-1+3+9}


1 5 10 = 12 0 3 15_{10}=120_3

From right to left:

12 0 0 × 1 12{\color{#D61F06}0} \Rightarrow 0 \times 1

1 2 0 1 × 3 1{\color{#D61F06}2}0 \Rightarrow -1 \times 3

Modify to 15 + 3 = 18 = 20 0 3 15+3=18 = 200_3

2 00 1 × 9 {\color{#D61F06}2}00 \Rightarrow -1 \times 9

Modify to 18 + 9 = 27 = 100 0 3 18+9=27= 1000_3

1 000 + 1 × 27 {\color{#D61F06}1}000 \Rightarrow +1 \times 27

15 = 3 9 + 27 \boxed{15=-3-9+27}

Henry U - 2 years, 6 months ago

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