4 Numbers

Logic Level 2

The goal is to use all given numbers (each of them once) and the following operations - + + , - , × \times , ÷ \div and parentheses - to formulate the equation that equals to the number 24 24 .

Given four numbers 20 20 , 30 30 , 21 21 and 4 4 , is it possible to create an equation that equals 24 24 ?

Yes, it is No, impossible

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2 solutions

Siva Budaraju
May 11, 2017


Aman Bhandare
May 11, 2017

The solution is (20×30)÷(21+4)=24

Are you sure that 600÷26 = 24?

Siva Budaraju - 4 years, 1 month ago

should be 4 instead of 5 in the expression

rab gani - 4 years, 1 month ago

Oops i mistyped it thanks for your consultancy

Aman Bhandare - 4 years, 1 month ago

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