5 2 52 52^{52}

What is the last digit of:

5 2 52 52^{52}

The answer is 6.

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1 solution

Arpit MIshra
Apr 7, 2015

5 2 2 52^{2} = 2704

5 2 3 52^{3} = 140 608

5 2 4 52^{4} = 7 311 616

5 2 5 52^{5} = 380 204 032

5 2 6 52^{6} = 19 770 609 664



5 2 8 52^{8} = 53459728531456

As you can see, a pattern is present 5 2 4 52^{4 } and 5 2 8 52^{8} 's last digits are same therefore.

5 2 x 52^{x} 's last digit = 6. (Where x is a multiple of 4)

Therefore 5 2 52 52^{52} (which is equal to 170676555274132171974277914691501574771358362295975962674353045737940041855191232907575296)

's last digit is 6 \boxed{6}

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