400 followers problem

6 n + 8 n 6^{ n } + 8^{ n } is divisible by 7 if:

n n is a prime number n n is any real number n n is an odd number n n is an even number

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3 solutions

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6 n + 8 n = ( 7 1 ) n + ( 7 + 1 ) n ( 1 ) n + 1 n ( m o d 7 ) 6^n+8^n = (7-1)^n+(7+1)^n \equiv (-1)^n+1^n \pmod {7}

( 1 ) n + 1 n = 0 (-1)^n + 1^n = 0 when n i s o d d \boxed {n \space is \space odd } .

surely it should be ( 7 1 ) n + ( 7 + 1 ) n (7-1)^{n} +(7+1)^{n} not ( 7 1 ) n + ( 8 1 ) n (7-1)^{n}+(8-1)^{n} as ( 8 1 ) n 8 n (8-1)^{n}≠8^{n}

Brett Hartley - 6 years, 6 months ago

Thanks. Yes you are right. I have edited it.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 6 years, 6 months ago

I didn't really understood how u got -1^n+1^n

Sachin Arora - 6 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, I didn't explain it. How it works is as follows.

8 n = ( 7 + 1 ) n 8^n = (7+1)^n

= 7 n + n ( 7 n 1 ) + n ( n 1 ) 2 ( 7 n 2 ) + . . . + ( n r ) ( 7 r ) + . . . + n ( n 1 ) 2 ( 7 2 ) + n ( 7 ) + 1 =7^n + n(7^{n-1}) +\frac {n(n-1)}{2}(7^{n-2})+...+ \left (\begin {matrix} n \\ r \end {matrix} \right) (7^r)+...+ \frac {n(n-1)}{2}(7^2) + n(7) + 1

We note that except for the last term, 1 1 , all terms of the expression has 7 7 as a factor and therefore are divisible by 7 7 . Therefore 8 n 1 ( m o d 7 ) 8^n \equiv 1 \pmod {7} . Similarly, 6 n ( 1 ) n ( m o d 7 ) 6^n \equiv (-1)^n \pmod {7} .

Chew-Seong Cheong - 6 years, 6 months ago

Thank you very much

Sachin Arora - 6 years, 6 months ago

use binomial newton... :)

Aswad Hariri Mangalaeng - 6 years, 6 months ago
Hariom Tiwari
Dec 8, 2014

(7-1)^n + (7+1)^n Using Binomial Expansion: (x-1)^n + (x+1)^n The last terms (independent of 7) in the expansion of (x-1)^n and (x+1)^n are (-1)^n and 1^n respectively. If n is even then remainder left on division by 7 will be 2. If n is odd then the last terms will cancel each other out and hence the given term is divisible by seven when n is odd

Richard Levine
Dec 15, 2014

I did this without modulo, although I prefer Chew-Seong's answer. Though it is trivial to answer the multiple choice by solving for n=2, I decided to see what I could do without modulo arithmetic.

6 n 6^n + 8 n 8^n =7z. Since 6 n 6^n and 8 n 8^n are both even numbers, their sum is even. Therefore, 6 n 6^n + 8 n 8^n = 2*7z = 14z. Dividing by 14, we get ( 6 n 6^n + 8 n 8^n ) / 14 = z.

This can be generalized as ( x n x^n + y n y^n ) / (x+y) = z. Since divisible by 7 means no remainder, this will only occur when (x+y) divides evenly. That only occurs when n is odd, because x n x^n + y n y^n = (x+y)(...) only when n is odd. When n is even, we cannot factor it evenly. This is a bit more general case, but it seems to answer the question.

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