For each positive integer n n , S ( n ) S(n) is the sum of the digits of n n . For example S ( 2017 ) = 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 S(2017)=2+0+1+7=10 . Find the value of

S ( S ( S ( 444 4 4444 ) ) ) S(S(S(4444^{4444})))

The answer is 7.

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1 solution

Let T ( n ) T(n) mean the number of n n 's digits. For example: T ( 2017 ) = 4 T(2017)=4 .

Since T ( 444 4 4444 ) < T ( 1000 0 4444 ) = T ( ( 1 0 4 ) 4444 = 1 0 17776 ) = 17777 T(4444^{4444})<T(10000^{4444})=T((10^4)^{4444}=10^{17776})=17777 , it is clear that S ( 444 4 4444 ) < 17777 9 = 159993 S(4444^{4444})<17777*9=159993 .

Therefore S ( S ( 444 4 4444 ) ) < S ( 99999 ) S(S(4444^{4444}))<S(99999) , because the sum of the digits of 99999 99999 is at least as big as the S ( . ) S(.) of any other number less than 159993 159993 . S ( 99999 ) = 45 S(99999)=45 .

From that S ( S ( S ( 444 4 4444 ) ) ) S(S(S(4444^{4444}))) is at most S ( 39 ) = 12 S(39)=12 . (Because 39 39 has the highest S ( . ) S(.) of any number less that 45. 45. )

We also know that if we divide S ( S ( S ( 444 4 4444 ) ) ) S(S(S(4444^{4444}))) by 9 9 , the remainder is the same as the remainder upon dividing 444 4 4444 4444^{4444} by 9 9 .

Since 4444 7 m o d 9 4444\equiv7 \ \mod9 , and 7 3 = 343 1 m o d 9 7^3=343\equiv1 \ \mod9 , we get 444 4 4444 7 4444 = 7 7 4443 = 7 ( 7 3 ) 1481 7 m o d 9 4444^{4444}\equiv7^{4444}=7*7^{4443}=7*(7^3)^{1481}\equiv7 \ \mod9 .

The answer must be 7 \boxed{7} .

This problem basically uses the lemma: n S ( n ) 0 m o d 9 n-S(n)\equiv0 \mod 9

Sathvik Acharya - 3 years, 7 months ago

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