46th Problem 2016

Algebra Level 3

True or False.

6640018 is not divisible by 7.

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False True

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1 solution

Pham Khanh
Apr 17, 2016

From the divisibility rule of 7 7 , we got: 664001 2 8 = 663985 664001-2*8=663985 Keep checking, we got 66398 2 5 = 66388 66398-2*5=66388 6638 2 8 = 6622 6638-2*8=6622 662 2 2 = 658 662-2*2=658 65 2 8 = 49 65-2*8=49 Because 49 49 is divisible by 7 7 , so 658 i s d i v i s i b l e b y 7 \Rightarrow 658~is~divisible~by~7 \cdot\cdot\cdot 6640018 i s d i v i s i b l e b y 7 \Rightarrow 6640018~is~divisible~by~7 Hence, the answer is F a l s e \boxed{False}

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