5-12-13 and square!

Geometry Level 2

A B C D ABCD is a square with A B = 13 AB=13 . Points E E and F F are exterior to A B C D ABCD such that B E = D F = 5 BE=DF=5 and A E = C F = 12 AE=CF=12 .

If the length of E F EF can be represented as a b , a\sqrt b, where a a and b b are positive integers and b b is not divisible by the square of any prime, then find a b ab .

The answer is 34.

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6 solutions

Dollesin Joseph
Aug 21, 2014

Solution Solution

I added Point G and H which is the same as E and F .

Point EF - Hypotenuse


45-45-90 triangle

EF= 7 2 7\sqrt { 2 }

17(2) = 34 \boxed{34}

Sorry for the bad edited image.

It isn't immediately obvious that adding G and H like that would have FCH and FDG be straight lines.

May be better to explicitly state 5²+12²=13², therefore CFD is a right angle; and then the angles at C are equal to the angles in a triangle = 180, therefore FCH is a straight line.

Or create G and H by extending the lines we're given; then prove using the angles that CDF and BCH are identical so you can fill in the sides.

Angel Wedge - 4 years, 1 month ago

This is the same diagram as used in the Chinese proof of the Pythagorean theorem.

Much more elegant than my brute force solution....

Joe Horton - 2 years, 11 months ago

Nice move to extend the figure to get the right-triangles. That simplifies it easily

Archana Bhisikar - 1 year, 7 months ago

I still can not see how you get answer 34. According to me answer is 17*sqare root 2 which is 24 to nearest integer.

Anil Shah - 10 months, 1 week ago

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Now I see my mistake.

Anil Shah - 10 months, 1 week ago

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what was the mistake

Aiena Fatima - 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Mark Kong
Jun 3, 2014

Let the intersection of F D \overleftrightarrow { FD } and E A \overleftrightarrow { EA } be G G and let the intersection of E B \overleftrightarrow { EB } and F C \overleftrightarrow { FC } be H . H. By the converse of the Pythagorean theorem, A E B \angle AEB is a right angle. C F D A E B \triangle CFD\cong \triangle AEB by S S S SSS and D G A A E B B H C \triangle DGA\cong \triangle AEB \cong \triangle BHC by A S A ASA . Therefore, E G F H EGFH is a square with diagonal E F EF . The side length of this square is 12 + 5 = 17 12+5=17 , so the length of its diagonal is 17 2 17\sqrt { 2 } . 17 2 17*2 = 34 \boxed {34}

This was the solution which I was looking for. Good job.

mietantei conan - 7 years ago

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Quite elegant.

Bernardo Sulzbach - 6 years, 11 months ago

And I have this whole length of trigometry that ends with 17 2 17\sqrt { 2 }

Julian Poon - 7 years ago

Not clear,Could you draw afigure showing G & H to complete square EGFH ,Thanks K.K.GARG,India

Krishna Garg - 6 years, 12 months ago
Anoir Trabelsi
Jun 7, 2014

I u s e d a c o o r d i n a t e s y s t e m c e n t e r e d a t C a n d c a l c u l a t e d t h e d i s t a n c e s u s i n g t h e P y t h a g o r e a n t h e o r e m t o f i n d t h a t : F ( 60 13 ; 144 13 ) a n d E ( 229 13 ; 25 13 ) . U s i n g t h e d i s t a n c e f o r m u l a w e c a n c a l c u l a t e E F . E F = 578 = 17 2 a = 17 & b = 2 a b = 34 I\quad used\quad a\quad coordinate\quad system\quad centered\quad at\quad C\quad and\quad \\ calculated\quad the\quad distances\\ using\quad the\quad Pythagorean\quad theorem\quad to\quad find\quad that\quad :\\ F(-\frac { 60 }{ 13 } \quad ;\quad \frac { 144 }{ 13 } )\quad and\quad E(\frac { 229 }{ 13 } \quad ;\quad \frac { 25 }{ 13 } )\quad .\\ Using\quad the\quad distance\quad formula\quad we\quad can\quad calculate\quad EF\quad .\\ EF\quad =\quad \sqrt { 578 } =\quad 17\sqrt { 2 } \\ \\ \therefore \quad a\quad =\quad 17\quad \& \quad b\quad =\quad 2\quad \\ \\ \boxed { ab=34 }

How did you calculate the coordinates of F and E ? PLEASE ELABORATE.

Manvendra Singh - 5 years, 6 months ago

I did the same.

Eloy Machado - 4 years, 8 months ago
Gustavo Jambersi
Nov 12, 2015

First we notice that the angle F D C + F C D = 9 0 \angle FDC+ \angle FCD= 90 ^ \circ , knowing that, we now will construct triangles similars to C D F \triangle CDF and A B E \triangle ABE over the sides A D AD and B C BC (leaving the legs of this new triangles form continuous lines with the legs of the triangles C D F \triangle CDF and A B E \triangle ABE ). It forms a square A E B F A'EB'F with sides 5 + 12 = 17 5 + 12 = 17 and the E F EF asked it is the diagonal of A E B F A'EB'F . 1 7 2 + 1 7 2 = E F 2 E F = 17 2 a = 17 , b = 2 a b = 34 17^2 + 17^2 = EF^2\rightarrow EF=17\sqrt{2}\rightarrow a=17, b=2\Rightarrow \boxed{ab=34}

Unstable Chickoy
Jun 2, 2014

Extend line D F \overline{DF} to the lower left by 5 u n i t s 5 units . Call the end of the extension as point P P

Making D P B \triangle{DPB} with sides P B \overline{PB} parallel and equal to F E \overline{FE}

D P = 10 \overline{DP} = 10

D B = 13 2 \overline{DB} = 13\sqrt{2}

P B = F E \overline{PB} = \overline{FE}

B D P = 45 + cos 1 ( 5 13 ) \angle{BDP} = 45 + \cos^{-1} (\frac{5}{13})

take cosine law

( F E ) 2 = ( P B ) 2 = 1 0 2 + ( 13 2 ) 2 2 ( 10 ) ( 13 2 ) cos [ 45 + cos 1 ( 5 13 ) ] (\overline{FE})^2 = (\overline{PB})^2 = 10^2 + (13\sqrt{2})^2 - 2(10)(13\sqrt{2})\cos [45 + \cos^{-1} (\frac{5}{13})]

F E = 17 2 \overline{FE} = 17\sqrt{2}

a b = 17 × 2 = 34 ab = 17 \times 2 = \boxed {34}

Ajit Athle
Jun 2, 2014

EF² = (13 + 120/13)² + (2 (25/13) - 13)²=578 or EF = 17√2. Hence, ab = 17 (2 )= 34

Just introduce the co-ordinate system with origin anywhere........... Find the co-ordinates of E and F by using basic trigonometry and use distance formula to find the length EF

Aditya Anilkumar - 7 years ago

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Exactly! This is what I did. Actually only the distance formula without any trigonometry will do the job. You can take the lower left vertex of the square as the origin.

Abhinav Chauhan - 7 years ago

Please explain how did you get 120/13 and 25/13 figures to get EF square values? Thanks K.K.GARG,India

Krishna Garg - 7 years ago

If lines parallel to BC & DC re drawn resply. thru E and F intersecting in G then from basic trigo.in rt. triangle EFG, EG = 130+120/13 while FG =13 - 2(25/13) So EF² = (13 + 120/13)² + (13 -2(25/13))²

Ajit Athle - 7 years ago

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