5 is fabulous

Let N be a number which has 5 prime factors . One of the prime factor's power is 5 and rest of the prime factors' power are less than 5 . What is the maximum number of divisors N can have ?

The answer is 3750.

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2 solutions

Syed Hissaan
Jun 3, 2017

As according to basic number theory ;if any number m m has 2 2 prime factors f1 , f2 raised to the power a , b a, b given by m = f 1 a f 2 b m=f1^a*f2^b then number of factors of m = ( a + 1 ) ( b + 1 ) m =(a+1)*(b+1) .

applying the same thing in the given question ;(according to the given condition ) N = ( p 1 ) 5 ( p 2 ) a ( p 3 ) b ( p 4 ) c ( p 5 ) d N=(p1)^5*(p2)^a*(p3)^b*(p4)^c*(p5)^d

>>now for the maximum divisors the value of a , b , c , d a,b,c,d must be maximum integer value less than 5 which is 4 4

= > 6 5 4 = 3750 =>6*5^4=3750 ANSWER

Nguyen Thanh Long
Jul 28, 2015

It is very clear to get the maximum number of divisors of this number that is: 6 × 5 4 = 3750 6 \times 5^{4} = \boxed{3750}

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