5 residues mod America?

Find the fifth digit from the end of the number below.

5 5 5 5 5 \Large { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ 5 } } } }

The answer is 0.

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2 solutions

Otto Bretscher
Jan 11, 2016

My approach is similar to Priyanshu's, but I will organize my work a bit differently.

Clearly, the given number N N is divisible by 5 5 = 3125 5^5=3125 .

To find the congruency class of N N modulo 2 5 = 3 2^5=3 2, we can work module ϕ ( 32 ) = 16 \phi(32)=16 in the first exponent, modulo ϕ ( 16 ) = 8 \phi(16)=8 in the second exponent, modulo 4 in the fourth exponent, and modulo 2 in the top exponent. Thus we have N 5 5 5 5 5 ( m o d 32 ) N\equiv 5^{5^5}\equiv 5^5 \pmod {32}

Since N 5 5 N\equiv 5^5 both modulo 5 5 5^5 and modulo 2 5 2^5 , the congruency holds modulo 2 5 × 5 5 = 1 0 5 = 10000 2^5\times 5^5=10^5=10000 as well, so that N N ends in . . . 03125 ...03125 , and the fifth digit from the end is 0 \boxed{0}

Moderator note:

Using Chinese Remainder Theorem along with Euler's Theorem often allows us to reduce the size of the values that we're working with.

Priyanshu Mishra
Jan 11, 2016

Set m m = = 5 5 5 5 5 \huge\ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ 5 } } } } .

We have 5 ϕ ( 2 5 ) 1 ( m o d 2 ) 5 ) \large\ { 5 }^{ \phi (2^{ 5 }) }\equiv 1 \pmod{ 2 }^{ 5 }) .

Let us reduce 5 5 5 5 m o d u l o 2 4 = 16 \large\ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ { 5 }^{ 5 } } } modulo { 2 }^{ 4 } = 16 . Repeating the same trick, we want to reduce its exponent modulo ϕ ( 16 ) = 8 \phi (16) = 8 . This amounts to computing 5 5 5^5 modulo 4 4 , and this is 1 1 . Going backwards, we have the given number is congruent to 5 5 ( m o d 32 ) = 5 5 5^5 \pmod {32} = 5^5 .

This shows that m = 5 5 + 2 5 k m = { 5 }^{ 5 } + { 2 }^{ 5 }k , for some k k . This further shows that the residue of m m modulo 10 5 { 10 }^{ 5 } is 3125 3125 . The fifth-to-last digit of m m is 0 \boxed{0} .

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