50 followers problem

Algebra Level 1

How many solutions are there for

x + 1 x = x x+\dfrac{1}{x} = x ?

The answer is 0.

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3 solutions

Kritarth Lohomi
Feb 7, 2015

Cancel x x from both side you will get 1 x = 0 \dfrac{1}{x} =0 thus no solution exist

Ashish Menon
Jun 2, 2016

1 x = 0 1 = 0 \dfrac{1}{x} = 0\\ 1 = 0

But this is an absurd answer, so no solution exists \color{#69047E}{\boxed{\text{no solution exists}}} .

Vejju Kumar
Mar 22, 2015

substitute x=0 or 1.wont be equal

What if x=infinity? X+0=X then

Anuraj Kathait - 5 years, 9 months ago

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