$50,000 per year?

Suppose you borrow $1,000,000 on a loan with an APR of 5%.

After three years, how much will you owe on your loan (assuming you don't pay any of it off during those three years)?

Image credit: http://thistimeimeanit.com/

The answer is 1157625.

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1 solution

Geoff Pilling
Jan 19, 2017

Each year your loan goes up by 5 % 5\% .

Let L n = L_n = your loan amount after n n years.

So, after the first year, your loan amount is:

L 1 = $ 1000000 × 1.05 = $ 1050000 L_1 = \$1000000 \times 1.05 = \$1050000

After 2 years:

L 2 = L 1 × 1.05 = $ 1102500 L_2 = L_1 \times 1.05 = \$1102500

After 3 years:

L 3 = L 2 × 1.05 = $ 1157625 L_3 = L_2 \times 1.05 = \$\boxed{1157625}

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