6 & 0 fever

A 701-digit number is to be formed by only using the digits 6 6 and 0 0 for 600 and 101 times respectively. How many possible ways to arrange the digits such that the resultant number is perfect square?

The answer is 0.

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2 solutions


Jake Lai
May 9, 2015

Case 1: The number ends in 2 n 2n zeroes.

Then it is divisible by 1 0 2 n 10^{2n} , which implies it is divisible by 2 2 n 2^{2n} . However, since there is a 6 6 to the left, it is then divisible maximally by 2 2 n + 1 2^{2n+1} , which means it can never be a square.

Case 2: The number ends in 2 n + 1 2n+1 zeroes.

Then it is divisible by 1 0 2 n + 1 10^{2n+1} , which implies it is divisible by 5 2 n + 1 5^{2n+1} . However, since there is a 6 6 to the left, it is then divisible maximally by 5 2 n + 1 5^{2n+1} , which means it can never be a square.

Thus, 0 \boxed{0} solutions exist.

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