6 Foot Box

Geometry Level 1

What is the surface area and volume of a 6 foot by 6 foot by 1 foot closed box?

26 ft^2,33 ft^3 96 ft^2,36 ft^3 93 ft^2,31 ft^3 46 ft^2,32 ft^3

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4 solutions

Manish Kumar
Oct 21, 2015

If the box is closed, its surface area is 2×(6×6) + 4×6×1 = 96 ft² and volume= 6×6×1 = 36 ft³

v = 6 × 6 × 1 = 36 =6\times 6\times 1 = 36

s = 2 [ 6 ( 6 ) + 1 ( 6 ) + 6 ( 1 ) ] = 96 =2[6(6)+1(6)+6(1)]=96

Edwin Gray
Sep 10, 2018

The volume is clearly 6x6x1= 36. Since only one choice had this for volume, there was no need to compute the surface area. Ed Gray

Aditya Raj
Oct 21, 2015

A=2.L(L+2h) with L=6 and h=1 : A=2 6 (6+2 1) : A=12 8 : A=96 ft² V= Length x width x height: 6 x 6 x 1 = 36^{3}ft

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