666 dice

If six fair 6-sided dice are rolled, the probability that the sum is a multiple of 6 can be expressed as a b \frac{a}{b} where a a and b b are coprime positive integers. What is the value of a + b a + b ?

The answer is 7.

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8 solutions

Jason Xie
Sep 15, 2013

The only dice that really matters is the very last dice rolled because the sum of the first five must be either 0 mod 6, 1 mod 6, 2 mod 6, 3 mod 6, 4 mod 6, or 5 mod 6. (any integer must be one of these 6 due to the nature of mods) Thus, for each case to get the sum to evenly divide by 6, there is only one number to get the final sum to 0 mod 6. So, our answer is 1 in 6 or 1/6 which gives us a value for a+b of 7

ns i didn't think of that

Bob Yang - 7 years, 8 months ago
Shunping Xie
Sep 16, 2013

Let us consider the case where five die are rolled. No matter what that sum is, there can only be one number the six dice can be to make the total sum a multiple of six. There is a 1 6 \frac{1}{6} chance that the one number will be rolled so the answer is 1 + 6 = 7 1+6=7

good job :) i love your reasoning

Bob Yang - 7 years, 8 months ago

The first sentence should read "Let us consider when five die are rolled".

Shunping Xie - 7 years, 8 months ago

This is exactly my logic! Nice one. :)

Ivan Sekovanić - 7 years, 8 months ago
Ryan Soedjak
Sep 16, 2013

Suppose we are rolling n n dice.

Claim: \textbf{Claim:} The probability of rolling a sum that is a multiple of six is 1 6 \frac16 for all integers n 1 n\ge1 .

Proof: \textbf{Proof:}

Let the result of the roll of the n t h n^{th} die be r n r_n .

Case 1: n = 1 n=1 .

The probability of rolling a multiple of six is creary 1 6 \frac16 .

Case 2: n > 1 n>1 .

Let 0 a 5 0\le a\le 5 be the integer such that k = 1 n 1 r k a ( m o d 6 ) \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}r_k\equiv a\pmod6 Note that for k = 1 n r k \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n}r_k to be a multiple of six, we must have r n 6 a ( m o d 6 ) r n = 6 a , r_n\equiv 6-a\pmod6\quad\implies\quad r_n=6-a, since 1 r n 6 1\le r_n\le6 . Hence for every a a there exists exactly one r n r_n satisfying the conditions, so the probability is 1 6 \frac16 .

Therefore, the final answer is 1 6 \boxed{\frac16} .


Ryan Soedjak - 7 years, 8 months ago
Frodo Baggins
Sep 17, 2013

No matter what the first two dice are, if the third die is a certain number, and only one number, then the sum will be a multiple of 6. Therefore the probability is 1/6, and 1+6=7.

Sorry, I meant the first five dice, not two.

Frodo Baggins - 7 years, 8 months ago
James Kallman
Sep 18, 2013

Each die can roll any number from 1 to 6. With six dice, the sum of the numbers rolled can vary from 6 (6x1) to 36 (6x6). Over this range of numbers, there are a = 6 possible multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36. There are b = 6x6 = 36 possible rolls. a/b = 6/36 which reduces to 1/6 as the probability of rolling a multiple of six. For a/b = 1/6, a+b = 7.

Rishik Datta
Sep 16, 2013

First dice can take 6 possible values ranging 1 to 6. So probability of getting a number divisible by 6 is 1/6. First 2 dice when rolled together they can take 36 possible values of which 6 are multiple of 6. so probability is 6/26=1/6. same argument goes on for 3-dice,4-dice,5-dice and 6-dice case also. in case of 6-dice rolled together there r 46656 possible values and 7776 r divisible by 6. again probability is 1/6. hence answer is 7

Adrabi Abderrahim
Sep 22, 2013

there six multiples of 6, (6,12,18,24,30,36), than the probability is sum of number of ways of multiplies divided by 6 6 6^6 ,.

for calculating the number of ways of multiples like d 1 + d 2 + d 3 + d 4 + d 5 + d 6 = 24 d_1+d_2+d_3+d_4+d_5+d_6=24 i used inclusion–exclusion principle.

(this is algorithm, i know isn't a programming problem it's just from simplifying calculation)

where n = 24 , k = 6 , R = 6 , 1 d i R n = 24, k = 6, R = 6, 1 \leq d_i \leq R

def numOfWays(n,k,R):
    n -= k
    p = 2
    i = 0
    s = 0
    while n - i * R >= 0:
            s += ((-1)**p) * C(k,k - i)* C(n + k - 1 - i * R, k - 1)
            p += 1
            i += 1
    return s
Shivam Gulati
Sep 20, 2013

The only dice that really matters is the very last dice rolled because the sum of the first five must be either 0 mod 6, 1 mod 6, 2 mod 6, 3 mod 6, 4 mod 6, or 5 mod 6. (any integer must be one of these 6 due to the nature of mods) Thus, for each case to get the sum to evenly divide by 6, there is only one number to get the final sum to 0 mod 6. So, our answer is 1 in 6 or 1/6 which gives us a value for a+b of 7

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