How many 3-digit numbers are a multiple of 7?

Details and assumptions

The number 12 = 012 12=012 is a 2-digit number, not a 3-digit number.

The answer is 128.

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27 solutions

The whole sequence of 3-digit numbers which are a multiple of 7 can be considered as an Arithmetic Progression (A.P) .

The first & the last 3-digit number divisible by 7 is 105 & 994.<br> The general term of an A.P is
T n = a + ( n 1 ) d Tn = a + (n-1)d

where T n Tn is the n n th term,

a a is the 1st term,

d d is the common difference of the AP

Here, T n Tn =994, a a =105 & d d =7

.: 994 = 105 + 7 n n - 7

Hence, n n = 128

Therefore, * _128_ * 3-digit numbers are multiple of 7.

Moderator note:

Very nice!

Ayon Pal
Jul 29, 2013

There are 14 multiple from 1 to 100 [ 100 / 7 100/7 ] and 142 multiple from 1 to 1000 [ 1000 / 7 1000/7 ]

And there we get 142 14 = 128 142-14 = 128 3 digit numbers multiple of 7.

And the answer is 128

Brian Hogan
Jul 28, 2013

105 is the smallest 3-digit number that is a multiple of 7 (15*7=105). 999-105=894 894/7=127.714 Therefor between 105 and 999 there are 127 numbers that are multiples of 7, add one for 105 and you have 128

What the ..... i must ask to my daddy in this level

Firman Aitken - 7 years, 10 months ago


Marylor Manje - 7 years, 10 months ago

3=013 digit number,so 4 is not a digit number

Ismi Mursyid - 7 years, 10 months ago

How many 3-digit numbers are a multiple of 7?

Details and assumptions The number 12=012 is a 2-digit number, not a 3-digit number.

105 is the smallest 3-digit number that is a multiple of 7 (15*7=105). 999-105=894 894/7=127.714 Therefor between 105 and 999 there are 127 numbers that are multiples of 7, add one for 105 and you have 128

Ismi Mursyid - 7 years, 10 months ago
Okta Viana
Jul 31, 2013

100<7n<1000 105≤7n≤998 15≤n≤142

the numbers of n=142-15+1=128

Matheus Pinto
Jul 29, 2013

an = a1 + (n - 1)*r

994 = 105 +(n -1)*7

7*(n-1) = 889

n-1 = 127

n = 128

Conclusão: Há 128 números inteiros positivos com três algarismos e múltiplos de 7.

can you write it into English? I dont understanh your point.

Nguyễn Lê - 7 years, 10 months ago

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an = a1 + (n - 1)*r

994 = 105 +(n -1)*7

7*(n-1) = 889

n-1 = 127

n = 128

Conclusion: There are 128 positive integers and three digit multiple of 7

I utilized an arithmetic progression to do this problem, if you will want to study. More questions, just ask. Bye.

Matheus Pinto - 7 years, 10 months ago
Sashakt Tripathi
Jul 29, 2013

no of 3 dig numbers div by 7 = no of numbers div by 7 till 999 - no of 2 dig numbers div by 7 999/7-99/7 (ignore remainders) 142 - 14 = 128 (ans)

a1 é 105, an é 994 , r é 7 an = a1 + (n-1) r








128 múltiplos

good one, ou melhor você é brasileiro então boa resolução, não pensei em fazer por P.A

Victor Carnaúba - 7 years, 10 months ago


Kush Mali - 7 years, 10 months ago
Jebu Sultana
Jul 29, 2013

7 × 15 = 105 7 \times 15 = 105 and 7 × 142 = 994 7 \times 142 = 994

Hence, the total is 142 15 + 1 = 128 142-15+1 = \fbox {128}

Srivatsan C
Jul 29, 2013

1000 / 7 = 142.85 = 142 integers ( 1 , 2 and 3 digits ) which are a multiple of 7 100 / 7 = 14.28 = 14 integers ( 1 and 2 digits ) which are a multiple of 7 3 digit integers which are a multiple of 7 = 142 - 14 = 128

100 <= 7x <=999 so x >= 100/7, because x is an integer so x>= 14 and x<=999/7, because x is an integer so x<=142 from 14 to 142 there are (142-14)+1=128 integer numbers


Syed Hossain - 7 years, 10 months ago
Victor Carnaúba
Jul 28, 2013

the little one is 105 the bigger one 994, the difference between then is 889, then you 889/7 it will be 127 but we count either 105 and 994 so the awnser is 128

Ashish Menon
May 26, 2016

The arithmetic progression is 105 , 112 , 119 , 994 105, 112 , 119 , \cdots 994 . Let n terms be there in this sequence, then 994 = 105 + ( n 1 ) × 7 889 = ( n 1 ) × 7 127 = n 1 n = 128 994 = 105 + (n - 1)×7\\ 889 = (n - 1)×7\\ 127 = n - 1\\ n = \color{#69047E}{\boxed{128}} .

Alternative approach:-
The answer would be 1000 100 7 = 128 \left \lfloor \dfrac{1000 - 100}{7} \right \rfloor = \color{#69047E}{\boxed{128}} .

Michael Bye
Nov 27, 2015

999-99 gets us our total for three digit numbers; then I divided 900 by 7 and got my answer.

Moderator note:

This is close, but should explain why it works. For example, from 100 to 200 with a range of 100, there are 14 multiples of 7. However, from 300 to 400 with a range of 7, there are 15 multiples of 7.

Hence, you will need a further explanation for why / when "divided by 7 and take the integer part" works. Alternatively, what is the idea?

Sakila Sakila
Aug 3, 2013

The smallest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 105 = 15x7 The largest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 994 = 142x7 So there are 142-14 = 128 ^^

Three digit numbers which are multiples of 7 are 105, 112, 119, .......994. So using the nth term of an arithmetic progression formula a+(n-1)d = 994 105 + (n - 1)7 = 994 On simplification, we get n = 128

Vineet Chaudhary
Aug 1, 2013

first find out the three digit numbers which are divisible by 7 which is 999/7=142 then we calculate the 2 digit numbers which are divisible by 7 which is 99/7=14 now 3 digit numbers which are divisible by 7 is 142-14=128

Romuald Bassinot
Aug 1, 2013

I use this script (javascript) :

var count = 0; var i = 105; // the first 3-digit multiple of 7. while (i < 1000) { count++; i += 7; } alert(count);

Maximum possible for multiple of 7 under 1000 (3digit+2digit) is 7 × 142 7 \times 142 = 994 994 and maximum possible for multiple of 7 under 100 (2digit) is 7 × 14 7 \times 14 = 98 98

so many 3-digit numbers are a multiple of 7 is 142 142 - 14 14 = 128 128

Ebenezer Dimaano
Jul 31, 2013


The smallest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 105 = 15(7), The largest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 994 = 142(7), So as a result, 142-14 = 128. There are 128 3-digit multiples of 7, or 128 3-digit numbers that are divisible by 7.

Chris Quinones
Jul 29, 2013

All of the 3 digit numbers that are a multiple of 7 are in set Q such that if x∈Q, then x≤999, and x≥100, and x/7=y, where y is some integer. As such, there must exist the largest number that once multiplied by 7 is an element of set Q, and the smallest number that once multiplied by 7 is an element of set Q. By subtracting these numbers, you can determine the amount of elements in set Q. So, the first multiple of 7 that is in set Q is 105, and 105/7=15. The largest number in set Q is 994, and 994/7=142. 142-15=127, and adding the first element again as that has just been subtracted, 127+1=128. Therefore, there are 128 elements in set Q.

Jose Dehilario
Jul 29, 2013

En español:

La tarea es encontrar todos los números de la forma 7 x 7x donde 99 < 7 x < 1000 99 < 7x < 1000 . Despejando tenemos que 99 / 7 < x < 1000 / 7 99/7 < x < 1000/7

141 / 7 < x < 1426 / 7 14 1/7 < x < 142 6/7 Es decir, todos los enteros pertenecientes al rango [15, 142]. La respuesta es 128.

Pat Pat Labra
Jul 29, 2013

1000- 104 = 896

896/7= 128

the smallest 3-digit number divisible by 7 = [15 x 7] = 105 the largest 3-digit number divisible by 7 = [142 x 7] = 994 so there are {142 - 14 = 128} that is 128,3-digit numbers divisible by 7.

Yan Jie Chong
Jul 28, 2013

994 = 142th * 7 && 98 = 14th * 7

142th - 14th = 128

Joshua Crouch
Jul 28, 2013

There are 142 multiples of seven below 1000, and 14 are under 100.


The smallest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 105 = 15 7 The largest 3-digit multiple of 7 is 994 = 142 7 So there are 142-14 = 128 3-digit multiples of 7, i.e. 128 3-digit numbers that are divisible by 7.

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