8 > 2x4 ?

Danny decides to roll an 8 sided die (with sides numbered 1-8)

Ted decides to roll two 4 sided dice (each with sides numbered 1-4)

What is the probability that Danny's roll will be more than the sum of Ted's rolls?

If the answer is a fraction, a b \frac{a}{b} where a a and b b are coprime positive integers give the answer as a + b a+b .

The answer is 11.

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2 solutions

Geoff Pilling
Jan 8, 2018

The probability is given by

P ( 8 > 2 × 4 ) = 2 8 P 4 ( n ) P 8 ( n ) P(8 > 2 \times 4) = \sum_{2}^{8}P_4(n)P_8(n)


P 4 ( n ) = P_4(n) = Probability of rolling a total of n n with two four sided die.

P 8 ( n ) = P_8(n) = Probability of rolling something higher than n n with an eight sided die.


P ( 8 > 2 × 4 ) = 1 16 6 8 + 2 16 5 8 + 3 16 4 8 + 4 16 3 8 + 3 16 2 8 + 2 16 1 8 + 1 16 0 = 3 8 P(8 > 2 \times 4) = \frac{1}{16}\cdot\frac{6}{8} + \frac{2}{16}\cdot\frac{5}{8} + \frac{3}{16}\cdot\frac{4}{8} + \frac{4}{16}\cdot\frac{3}{8} + \frac{3}{16}\cdot\frac{2}{8} + \frac{2}{16}\cdot\frac{1}{8} + \frac{1}{16} \cdot 0 = \dfrac{3}{8}

3 + 8 = 11 3+8 = \boxed{11}

Oct 30, 2018

The expected value for Danny is 8 + 1 2 \frac{8+1}{2} = 4.5

The expected value for Ted is 4 + 1 2 \frac{4+1}{2} x 2 = 5

The probability that Danny's roll exceeds Ted's expected value is when Danny rolls a 6, 7, or 8. The probability is = 3 8 \frac{3}{8}

(I am not entirely sure if this method will always work.)

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