8 out of 10 stats

Algebra Level 3

Jim likes to keep track of his problem solving stats here on Brilliant. His target is a score (problems solved divided by problems attempted) of 80 % 80\% .

Initially, things don't go so well. He checks his score after a few weeks and finds it's well below his target.

After some more time doing courses, he checks again and is delighted to find his score is now above 80 % 80\% .

Was there necessarily a point in time when Jim's score was exactly 80 % 80\% ?

[NB: this problem isn't original, but I've seen versions of it in too many places to give a single source]

Yes, definitely No, not necessarily Not enough information

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1 solution

Chris Lewis
Jul 18, 2019

Let's say Jim never has a score of exactly 80 % 80\% . His score only increases when he gets a question correct, so at some point, his score must have jumped from below 80 % 80\% to above 80 % 80\% when he correctly answered a question.

Say the number of questions he had correctly answered before this was c c , and the number attempted a a . Then

c a < 4 5 < c + 1 a + 1 \frac{c}{a}<\frac45<\frac{c+1}{a+1}

(just replacing 80 % 80\% with 4 5 \frac45 .) From the left-hand inequality, we get 5 c < 4 a 5c<4a . From the right-hand inequality, 4 ( a + 1 ) < 5 ( c + 1 ) 4(a+1)<5(c+1) which becomes 4 a < 5 c + 1 4a<5c+1 .

Putting these together, we have 5 c < 4 a < 5 c + 1 5c<4a<5c+1 . But all of these are integers; so the assumption that Jim's score is never exactly 80 % 80\% implies the existence of an integer between 5 c 5c and 5 c + 1 5c+1 . This contradiction means that, at some point, he must have had a score of exactly 80 % 80\% .

Bonus question: which other percentages have the same property?

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