8 8 Stars, 8 8 Bars and 8 8 Pars

How many distinct possible ways are there to express 1000 1000 as the sum of all positive integers in decreasing order (but not strictly), using only 8 8 's?

Assumption: The sum can include terms that concatenate more than one 8 8 . For instance, 88 88 , 888 888 and 8888 8888 .


11 11 14 14 10 10 15 15 9 9 or less 16 16 or more 12 12 13 13

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1 solution

Sathvik Acharya
Mar 20, 2021

We need to represent 1000 1000 as the sum of positive integers that only contain 8 8 in their decimal expansion. This is equivalent to finding the number of non-negative integer solutions to the equation, 888 x + 88 y + 8 z = 1000 111 x + 11 y + z = 125 888x+88y+8z=1000\;\; \Leftrightarrow\;\; 111x+11y+z=125 Since x , y , z 0 x,y,z\ge 0 , x 125 111 x { 0 , 1 } y 125 11 y { 0 , 1 , 2 , , 10 , 11 } z 125 1 z { 0 , 1 , 2 , , 124 , 125 } \begin{aligned} x\le \left\lfloor \dfrac{125}{111}\right\rfloor &\implies x\in \{0,1\} \\ y\le \left\lfloor \dfrac{125}{11}\right\rfloor &\implies y\in \{0,1,2,\cdots, 10,11\} \\ z\le \left\lfloor \dfrac{125}{1}\right\rfloor &\implies z\in\{0,1,2,\cdots ,124,125\} \end{aligned} Case 1: x = 0 11 y + z = 125 \;\;x=0 \implies 11y+z=125

Note, z = 125 11 y z=125-11y is a non-negative integer for all y { 0 , 1 , 2 , , 10 , 11 } y\in \{0,1,2,\cdots, 10,11\} . Hence, this case leads to 12 12 possible solutions.

Case 2: x = 1 11 y + z = 14 \;\;x=1 \implies 11y+z=14

Note, z = 12 11 y z=12-11y is a non-negative integer for all y { 0 , 1 } y\in \{0,1\} . Hence, this case leads to 2 2 possible solutions.

Therefore, there are 12 + 2 = 14 12+2=\boxed{14} possible solutions to the given equation.

List of all possible ways to represent 1000 1000 using only 8 8 's :

1000 = 8 + + 8 125 = 88 1 + 8 + + 8 114 = 88 + 88 2 + 8 + + 8 103 = 88 + + 88 3 + 8 + + 8 92 = 88 + + 88 4 + 8 + + 8 81 = 88 + + 88 5 + 8 + + 8 70 = 88 + + 88 6 + 8 + + 8 59 = 88 + + 88 7 + 8 + + 8 48 = 88 + + 88 8 + 8 + + 8 37 = 88 + + 88 9 + 8 + + 8 26 = 88 + + 88 10 + 8 + + 8 15 = 88 + + 88 11 + 8 + + 8 4 = 888 1 + 8 + + 8 14 = 888 1 + 88 1 + 8 + + 8 3 \begin{aligned} 1000&=\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{125}} \\ &=\underbrace{88}_{\text{1}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{114}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+88}_{\text{2}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{103}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{3}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{92}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{4}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{81}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{5}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{70}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{6}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{59}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{7}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{48}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{8}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{37}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{9}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{26}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{10}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{15}} \\ &=\underbrace{88+\cdots+88}_{\text{11}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{4}} \\ &=\underbrace {888}_{1}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{14}} \\ &=\underbrace {888}_{1}+\underbrace{88}_{\text{1}}+\underbrace{8+\cdots+8}_{\text{3}} \\ \end{aligned}

Sathvik Acharya - 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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