800 Followers Problem!

m 3 + n 3 m 2 + n 2 + m + n = 800 \frac{m^3+n^3}{m^2+n^2+m+n}=800

Find all ordered pairs of positive integers ( m , n ) (m, n) satisfying the equation above, and enter your answer as ( m + n ) \sum (m+n) .

The answer is 3200.

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3 solutions

Kazem Sepehrinia
Jun 7, 2017

Relevant wiki: General Diophantine Equations - Problem Solving

Equation is m 3 + n 3 = 800 ( m 2 + n 2 + m + n ) . ( 1 ) m^3+n^3=800 \big(m^2+n^2+m+n \big). \qquad (1) First note that m 3 + n 3 5 0 m^3+n^3 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 0 . We claim that m + n 5 0 m+n \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 0 . If both of m m , n n are divisible by 5 5 this is true. Let 5 m 5 \nmid m and 5 n 5 \nmid n . Then we must have either m 3 5 1 , n 3 5 4 m^3 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 1, n^3 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 4 or m 3 5 2 , n 3 5 3 m^3 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 2, n^3 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 3 , which in turn give m 5 1 , n 5 4 m \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 1, n \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 4 or m 5 3 , n 5 2 m \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 3, n \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 2 respectively. Both of cases lead to m + n 5 0 m+n \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 0 .

On the other hand m 3 + n 3 0 ( m o d 32 ) m^3+n^3 \equiv 0 \pmod{32} . Observe that m , n m, n have same parity. If m , n m, n are both odd, then m 2 m n + n 2 m^2-mn+n^2 is odd and this implies that m + n 0 ( m o d 32 ) m+n \equiv 0 \pmod{32} . If m , n m, n are both even, then take m = 2 m 1 m=2m_1 and n = 2 n 1 n=2n_1 and rewrite the equation ( 1 ) (1) as m 1 3 + n 1 3 = 200 ( 2 m 1 2 + 2 n 1 2 + m 1 + n 1 ) ( 2 ) m_1^3+n_1^3=200(2m_1^2+2n_1^2+m_1+n_1) \qquad(2) Therefore, m 1 , n 1 m_1, n_1 have same parity. If m 1 , n 1 m_1, n_1 are both odd, then m 1 + n 1 0 ( m o d 16 ) m_1+n_1 \equiv 0 \pmod{16} and m + n 0 ( m o d 32 ) m+n \equiv 0 \pmod{32} . If m 1 , n 1 m_1, n_1 are both even, then let m 1 = 2 m 2 m_1=2m_2 and n 2 = 2 n 2 n_2=2n_2 and rewrite the equation ( 2 ) (2) as m 2 3 + n 2 3 = 50 ( 4 m 2 2 + 4 n 2 2 + m 2 + n 2 ) ( 3 ) m_2^3+n_2^3=50(4m_2^2+4n_2^2+m_2+n_2) \qquad(3) If m 2 , n 2 m_2, n_2 are both odd, then m 2 + n 2 0 ( m o d 4 ) m_2+n_2 \equiv 0 \pmod{4} and m + n 0 ( m o d 16 ) m+n \equiv 0 \pmod{16} . If m 1 , n 1 m_1, n_1 are both even, then let m 2 = 2 m 3 m_2=2m_3 and n 2 = 2 n 3 n_2=2n_3 and rewrite the equation ( 3 ) (3) as 2 ( m 3 3 + n 3 3 ) = 25 ( 8 m 3 2 + 8 n 3 2 + m 3 + n 3 ) 2(m_3^3+n_3^3)=25(8m_3^2+8n_3^2+m_3+n_3) Hence m 3 + n 3 0 ( m o d 2 ) m_3+n_3 \equiv 0 \pmod{2} and m + n 0 ( m o d 16 ) m+n \equiv 0 \pmod{16} . Therefore we have m + n 0 ( m o d 16 ) m+n \equiv 0 \pmod{16} at least.

Using the conclusions m + n 5 0 m+n \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 0 and m + n 16 0 m+n \stackrel{16}{\equiv} 0 , one can write m + n = 80 k m+n=80k . Equation ( 1 ) (1) gives 80 k ( 6400 k 2 3 m ( 80 k m ) ) = 800 ( 6400 k 2 2 m ( 80 k m ) + 80 k ) , 80k \big(6400k^2-3m(80k-m) \big)=800 \big(6400k^2-2m(80k-m)+80k \big), or a quadratic in terms of m m : ( 3 k 20 ) m 2 80 k ( 3 k 20 ) m + 800 k ( 8 k 2 80 k 1 ) = 0 , (3k-20)m^2-80k(3k-20)m+800k(8k^2-80k-1)=0, The discriminant is 1600 k 2 ( 3 k 20 ) 2 800 k ( 3 k 20 ) ( 8 k 2 80 k 1 ) = 800 k ( 3 k 20 ) ( 2 k 2 + 40 k + 1 ) , 1600k^2(3k-20)^2-800k(3k-20)(8k^2-80k-1)=800 k(3k-20) \big( -2k^2+40k+1 \big), which must be a square. Thus k ( 3 k 20 ) ( 2 k 2 + 40 k + 1 ) = 2 l 2 ( 4 ) k(3k-20)\big(-2k^2+40k+1 \big)=2l^2 \qquad (4) Look mod 4 4 , then 2 k 4 + 3 k 2 4 2 l 2 2k^4+3k^2 \stackrel{4}{\equiv} 2l^2 , which implies that k 0 ( m o d 4 ) k \equiv 0 \pmod{4} and l l is even. Write k = 4 K k=4K and l = 2 L l=2L . Equation ( 4 ) (4) becomes 2 K ( 3 K 5 ) ( 32 K 2 + 160 K + 1 ) = L 2 ( 5 ) 2K(3K-5)\big(-32K^2+160K+1 \big)=L^2 \qquad (5) Look mod 5 5 , then 3 K 4 + K 2 5 2 L 2 3K^4+K^2 \stackrel{5}{\equiv} 2L^2 , which implies that K 0 ( m o d 5 ) K \equiv 0 \pmod{5} or K 2 ( m o d 5 ) K \equiv 2 \pmod{5} . From equation ( 5 ) (5) one can get 1 < K < 6 1<K<6 , otherwise its LHS will be negative. Thus only possibilities for K K are 2 , 5 2, 5 and its easy too see that only K = 5 K=5 makes L L an integer.

Finally m + n = 80 k = 320 K = 1600 m+n=80k=320K=1600 . Solving above quadratic in terms of m m gives m = 820 , 780 m=820, 780 . Therefore there are two solutions ( m , n ) = ( 820 , 780 ) , ( 780 , 820 ) , (m, n)=(820, 780), (780, 820), and gives the answer as 3200 \boxed{3200} .

Mark Hennings
Jun 5, 2017

If we put N = m + n N = m+n we derive N 3 3 m n N = 800 ( N 2 2 m n + N ) m n = N ( N 2 800 N 800 ) 3 N 1600 \begin{aligned} N^3 - 3mnN & = 800(N^2 - 2mn + N) \\ mn & = \frac{N(N^2 - 800N - 800)}{3N - 1600} \end{aligned} and hence m , n m,n are the roots of the quadratic X 2 N X + N ( N 2 800 N 800 ) 3 N 1600 = 0 ( X 1 2 N ) 2 = N ( 3200 + 1600 N N 2 ) 4 ( 3 N 1600 ) \begin{aligned} X^2 - NX + \frac{N(N^2 - 800N - 800)}{3N - 1600} & = 0 \\ \big(X - \tfrac12N\big)^2 & = \frac{N(3200 + 1600N - N^2)}{4(3N - 1600)} \end{aligned} and thus L = N ( 3 N 1600 ) ( 3200 + 1600 N N 2 ) L = N(3N-1600)(3200 + 1600N - N^2) must be a perfect square. For N N a positive integer, the expression L L is positive when 534 N 1601 534 \le N \le 1601 , and checking shows that L L is a perfect square only when N = 1600 N=1600 . For this value of N N , the roots of the quadratic are 780 , 820 780,820 , which are integers. Thus there are two solutions of the equation, namely ( 780 , 820 ) (780,820) and ( 820 , 780 ) (820,780) , which makes the answer 780 + 820 + 820 + 780 = 3200 780+820+820+780 = \boxed{3200} .

We can further proceed by determining factors of N ,so as to reduce the range until we can check manually.Quite similar to what you have done with k.

Shivansh Kaul - 3 years, 11 months ago

Did the same way as you Mark! This is a nice technique.Just narrow down the possible values by implementing the condition that root of discriminant should be less than N.Since smaller root should also be positive.

Shivansh Kaul - 3 years, 11 months ago

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How did you find that specific N N then?

Kazem Sepehrinia - 3 years, 11 months ago

Mark, exactly how did you find the value of N ? By trial and error ?

geni percaso - 3 years, 11 months ago

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I typed

Select[Table[j,{j,534,1602}],IntegerQ[Sqrt[#(3#-1600)(3200 + 1600# - #^2)]] &]

into Mathematica. Although some Number Theory could cut the problem down to computer-independent size, checking a finite problem is something that computers are excellent at, and it saved me a huge amount of time

Mark Hennings - 3 years, 11 months ago

I think N cannot be 1602, because then the expression 3200 + 1600N - N^2 is negative.

Scrub Lord - 3 years, 9 months ago

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Typo corrected. Thanks.

Mark Hennings - 3 years, 9 months ago
Md Mehedi Hasan
Nov 21, 2017

How did you know to use m < 1000 m<1000 and n < 1000 n<1000 ?

Kazem Sepehrinia - 3 years, 6 months ago

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I try it for ( m , n ) = ( 1000 , 1000 ) (m,n)=(1000,1000) and get total answer > 800 >800 .Taking higher value than 1000 1000 gradually the answer increase. So, I think that, there are no any value for ( m , n ) (m,n) greater than 1000 1000 . Actually, it's not mandatory to take m < 1000 , n < 1000 m<1000,n<1000 . To continue the loop I used it.

Md Mehedi Hasan - 3 years, 6 months ago

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