8th Grade Olympiad Sum!

Level 2

The price of a T.V set worth Rs. 20,000 is to be paid in 20 installments of Rs. 1,000 each. If the rate of interest be 6% per annum and the first installment be paid at the time of purchase, then what is the value of the last installment covering the interest as well? Which of these is the wrong answer: 1050 or 19000? Write solutions pls!

The answer is 1050.

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2 solutions

Deepak Sonawane
Mar 5, 2017

Amount Paid = 1000, Balance Payment = 20000- 1000 = 19000

Ruhan Habib
Feb 5, 2014

G u e s s e d Guessed

His last installment will be of either of rs 1945 or rs 1950 because ohis 19 monthly installment

ravinder kumar - 4 years, 11 months ago

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