Grazing Grass

Algebra Level 1

9 cows ate 9 fields of grass in 9 hours.

How long does it take (in hours) for 3 cows to eat 3 fields of grass?

(Assume that all cows eat grass at the same constant rate.)

3 6 9 12

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3 solutions

Jun 3, 2016

Relevant wiki: Ratio, Rate and Proportion - Problem Solving

Nine cows eat 1 field/hr. So three cows eat 1/3 field/hr. So in nine hours they can eat three fields, and 9:3 = 3:1

Charles Z
Aug 22, 2020

Since we are given 9 cows eat 9 fields in 9 hours, we have the equation 9 c 9 f = 9 h \frac{9c}{9f} = 9h (where c stands for cows, f stands for fields, and h stands for hours). After simplification, we have that c f = 9 h \frac{c}{f} = 9h . So, to find the time for 3 cows to eat 3 fields, we multiply both the denominator and the numerator by 3, to get c × 3 f × 3 = 3 c 3 f = 9 h \frac{c \times 3}{f \times 3} = \frac{3c}{3f} = 9h . So 3 cows eat 3 fields in 9 hours.

Viki Zeta
Jun 4, 2016

You can also apply, direct proportion here.

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