9 times around

Algebra Level 5

Find the number of distinct real solutions of the system of equations { x z z x = 2 3 y x 9 x y = 2 z y 9 y z = 6. \begin{cases} \frac{x}{z}-zx=\frac {2}{3}\\ \frac{y}{x}-9xy=2\\ \frac{z}{y}-9yz=6.\\ \end{cases}

The answer is 6.

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4 solutions

Thomas Beuman
Aug 15, 2013

First, let us apply the following change of variables:

a = 3 z x b = 9 x y c = 3 y z a = 3zx \qquad b = 9xy \qquad c = 3yz

The system of equations then transforms into:

b c a = c a b = a b c = 2 \frac{b}{c} - a = \frac{c}{a} - b = \frac{a}{b} - c = 2

We can already see a solution: a = b = c = 1 a=b=c=-1 . However, this corresponds to the two imaginary solutions x = y = ± i 3 x = y = \pm\frac{i}3 , z = ± i z = \pm i . In order for a solution ( a , b , c ) (a,b,c) to give a real solution ( x , y , z ) (x,y,z) , we need to have a b c > 0 abc > 0 . Also note that any solution ( a , b , c ) (a,b,c) corresponds to two solutions: if ( x , y , z ) (x,y,z) is one, then ( x , y , z ) (-x,-y,-z) is the other.

We rewrite the equations:

  1. b = c ( a + 2 ) b = c(a+2)
  2. c = a ( b + 2 ) c = a(b+2)
  3. a = b ( c + 2 ) a = b(c+2)

Entering (1) into (2) gives:

c = a ( c ( a + 2 ) + 2 ) c = a(c(a+2)+2)

Solving for c c :

c = 2 a 1 2 a a 2 c = \frac{2a}{1-2a-a^2}

And thus:

b = 2 a ( a + 2 ) 1 2 a a 2 b = \frac{2a(a+2)}{1-2a-a^2}

Putting the expressions for b b and c c into (3) leads to:

a ( 1 2 a a 2 ) 2 = 2 a ( a + 2 ) ( 2 a + 2 ( 1 2 a a 2 ) ) a(1-2a-a^2)^2 = 2a(a+2)(2a + 2(1-2a-a^2))

This can be expanded and rearranged to:

0 = a ( a 4 + 8 a 3 + 14 a 2 7 ) 0 = a(a^4+8a^3+14a^2-7)

Obviously a = 0 a=0 is no good, and we know that a = 1 a=-1 is not a solution we're interested in, so we can divide by a a and a + 1 a+1 :

0 = a 3 + 7 a 2 + 7 a 7 = f ( a ) 0 = a^3+7a^2+7a-7 = f(a)

This has no rational roots, but from noting that f ( 1000 ) < 0 f(-1000) < 0 , f ( 4 ) > 0 f(-4) > 0 , f ( 0 ) < 0 f(0) < 0 and f ( 1000 ) > 0 f(1000) > 0 we can deduce that there are three real roots, two of them negative and one positive. From the symmetry in a a , b b and c c , it follows that b b and c c must also each be equal to one of these roots. Furthermore, no two of them can be equal, since e.g. a = b a=b implies c = 1 c=-1 , which does not work. Therefore, for all three possible values of a a , the values of b b and c c are precisely the two other roots, and they obey a b c > 0 abc > 0 . We thus have three relevant solutions for ( a , b , c ) (a,b,c) , and thus 6 \boxed{6} real solutions for ( x , y , z ) (x,y,z) .

Moderator note:

This is a correct solution, and well written too! Hint for a more elegant one: tan(2t)=...

In response to the Challenge Master:

I see now! The funny thing is that I did have a good look into trying to apply a substitution featuring trigonometric or hyperbolic functions, but only after I had made my substitution to a a , b b and c c , because that felt so "natural".

Until someone posts an "official" solution, let me give one:

We can rewrite the equations to:

3 x = 2 z 1 z 2 3 y = 2 ( 3 x ) 1 ( 3 x ) 2 z = 2 ( 3 y ) 1 ( 3 y ) 2 3x = \frac{2z}{1-z^2} \\ 3y = \frac{2(3x)}{1-(3x)^2} \\ z = \frac{2(3y)}{1-(3y)^2}

Note that this has introduced the invalid solution x = y = z = 0 x=y=z=0 . Substitution time:

3 x = tan α 3 y = tan β z = tan γ 3x = \tan \alpha \qquad 3y = \tan \beta \qquad z = \tan \gamma

This gives:

tan α = tan 2 γ α 2 γ (mod π ) tan β = tan 2 α β 2 α (mod π ) tan γ = tan 2 β γ 2 β (mod π ) \tan \alpha = \tan 2\gamma \iff \alpha \equiv 2\gamma \text{ (mod } \pi \text{)} \\ \tan \beta = \tan 2\alpha \iff \beta \equiv 2\alpha \text{ (mod } \pi \text{)} \\ \tan \gamma = \tan 2\beta \iff \gamma \equiv 2\beta \text{ (mod } \pi \text{)}

Combining all three:

α 8 α (mod π ) α = k π 7 , k Z \alpha \equiv 8\alpha \text{ (mod } \pi \text{)} \iff \alpha = \frac{k\pi}7, \ k \in \mathbb{Z}

Note that these solutions provide only 7 different solutions for x = 1 3 tan α x = \frac13 \tan \alpha , e.g. for 0 k 6 0 \leq k \leq 6 , and that k = 0 k=0 yields the forbidden solution x = 0 x=0 . This leaves 6 solutions, which can all be easily verified to give genuine solutions for ( x , y , z ) (x,y,z) .

Thomas Beuman - 7 years, 10 months ago

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Alexander Borisov - 7 years, 10 months ago

Not a particularly elegant solution I admit, but at the time of writing this is the only one, so it's better than nothing. I've tried to think of something smart, even after solving it, but I failed (so far).

Thomas Beuman - 7 years, 10 months ago
Leo Lai
May 20, 2014

Let r = 3 x , s = 3 y , t = z r=3x,\ s=3y,\ t=z , then the original system becomes { r t r t = 2 s r s r = 2 t s t s = 2 \left\{\begin{array}{l} &\frac{r}{t}-rt=2\\ &\frac{s}{r}-sr=2\\ &\frac{t}{s}-ts=2 \end{array}\right. Now, let t = tan θ t=\tan\theta , where θ [ 0 , π ) \theta\in[0,\pi) . Substitute into the first equation and simplify to get r = 2 t 1 t 2 = 2 tan θ 1 tan 2 θ = tan 2 θ r=\frac{2t}{1-t^2}=\frac{2\tan\theta}{1-\tan^2\theta}=\tan2\theta Similarly, s = tan 4 θ s=\tan4\theta and t = tan 8 θ t=\tan8\theta . Now, tan 8 θ = tan θ sin 8 θ cos θ = cos 8 θ sin θ sin 7 θ = 0 \tan8\theta=\tan\theta\Leftrightarrow \sin8\theta\cos\theta=\cos8\theta\sin\theta\Leftrightarrow\sin7\theta=0 The equation has 7 solutions, but the solution θ = 0 \theta=0 gives r = s = t = 0 r=s=t=0 , which makes the equations undefined, so there are 6 solutions.

"The equation has 7 solutions" is not quite correct. Probably meant 7 solutions from -\pi/2 to \pi/2. Otherwise, a correct solution

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Sambit Senapati
May 20, 2014

Let 3 x = tan A , 3 y = tan B , z = t a n C 3x=\tan A, 3y=\tan B, z=\ tanC

From the 1st, 2nd and 3rd equations respectively we get the following 3 equations:

tan A = tan 2 C ( 1 ) tan B = tan 2 A ( 2 ) tan C = tan 2 B ( 3 ) \begin{aligned} \tan A & = \tan2C &-(1)\\ \tan B &= \tan 2A & -(2)\\ \tan C& =\tan 2B & -(3)\\ \end{aligned}

So, A = n π + 2 C n I A=n\pi+2C \quad \forall n \in \mathbb{I} -(4)

B = m π + 2 n π + 4 C m I B=m\pi+2n\pi+4C \quad \forall m \in \mathbb{I} -(5)

C = k π + ( 2 m + 4 n ) π + 8 C k I C=k\pi+(2m+4n)\pi+8C \quad \forall k \in \mathbb{I}

C = ( k + 2 m + 4 n ) π 7 \implies C=\frac{-(k+2m+4n)\pi}{7}

Substituting the value of C obtained above in (4) and (5) we get,

B = ( 4 k + m + 2 n ) π 7 B=\frac{-(4k+m+2n)\pi}{7}

A = ( 2 k + 4 m + n ) π 7 A=\frac{-(2k+4m+n)\pi}{7}

We set A , B , C ( 0 , π ) A,B,C \in (0,\pi) . We are allowed to do so since all values of x x can be represented by using tan θ \tan \theta for θ ( 0 , π ) \theta \in(0,\pi)

Suppose we have got a solution for x. Observe (2). As value of x is fixed the value of y is also fixed(as (2) becomes a linear equation in y). Now observe (3). As the value of y is fixed the value of z is fixed (same reason as the previous one). So, we have now proved that for a particular x we get a unique y and for a particular pair of x and y we get a unique z. -(6)

This gives us 7 solutions, of the form x = tan k π 7 x = \tan \frac {k \pi}{7} for k = 0 k=0 to 6. However, we must exclude the case when k = 0 k=0 , as that leads to x = 0 x=0 . Hence, there are 6 solutions in all.

At the start, you should start that x , y , z x, y, z are non-zero from the conditions, which allows us to multiply throughout. Otherwise, it is not true that x z 2 x = 2 z 3 x z z x = 2 3 x - z^2x = \frac {2z}{3} \Leftrightarrow \frac {x}{z} - zx = \frac {2}{3} .

This solution can be simplified slightly by working modulo π \pi , to show that 8 A 4 B 2 C A ( m o d π ) 8A \equiv 4B \equiv 2C \equiv A \pmod{\pi} , hence 7 A 0 ( m o d π ) 7A \equiv 0 \pmod{\pi} .

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Saurav Shakya
May 20, 2014

x/z - zx = 2/3 => x = 2/3 { z/(1-z^2)}

y/x - 9xy =2 => y = 2 { x/(1-9x^2)}

z/y - 9yz =6 => z = 6 {y/(1-9y^2)} Now, Let 3x = tana , 3y = tanb and z=tanc we get, tana = tan2c=>a =2c +n1* 180 tanb = tan2a=>b =2a+n2* 180 tanc = tan2b=>c =2b+n3 180 where n1,n2,n3 any integer, Also, c = 2(2a+n2 *180) +n3 180 c =4a + 2n2 180+n3 180 c =4(2c+n1 180)+2n2 180+n3 180 c =8c + (4n1+2n2+n3) 180 7c= - (4n1+2n2+n3)*180 c= - (4n1 +2n2 +n3)/7 *180 Since n1 , n2 and n3 can be any integers (4n1 +2n2+n3) can also be any integer. Thus, c= n/7 *180 , where n is any integer Again, z=tanc = tan(n/7 * 180) Since the period of tan(theta) is 180. we have 7 different solutions for z out of which one is 0. But z cannot be 0 so we reject it. Now, from every other non zero solutions of z we can find one non zero x for each z as x = 2/3 { z/(1-z^2)} and from every this non zero x values we can find one y for each x as y = 2 { x/(1-9x^2)}. Thus, we have 6 set of distinct real solutions.

Notation very hard to read; uses 180 instead of \pi. The solution is fine otherwise.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

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