90 degree angle in clock.

Geometry Level pending

How many times does the minute hand and hour hand of an analog clock form a 90 degree angle in 12 hours?
Note: its a standard 12 division clock as below. Example:

11 22 23 24 12

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1 solution

Saad Khondoker
Jan 31, 2021

In every hour 90 degree is formed twice except for between 2 to 3 o'clock and 8 to 9 o'clock where it is formed only once. So the answer is 12 * 2 - 2 = 22.

Mathematical approach:
At 3:00 we see a 90 degree. Lets assume after x minutes we will see another 90 degree with same orientation (from the same side). In 1 minute the minute hand moves x * 360/60 = 6x degree. In 1 minute the hour hand moves x * 360/(12*60) = x/2 degree. The minute hand will rotate 360 degree more than the hour hand. So we get,
6x = x/2 + 360
=> x = 2 * 360/11
so in 12 hours, we see it [12 * 60 / (2 * 360/11)] times = 11 times.
Similarly, at 9:00 we see a 90 degree but in different orientation. Doing the same calculation, we get another 11.
So total number of times 90 degree is formed is 11 + 11 = 22 times.

I made a computational error... so I'm writing this here.

Let the total angle the minute hand rotates through w.r.t a line connecting the center of the clock to the 12 be θ \theta . Let the angle the hour hand rotates through be β \beta

It follows that:

β ( θ ) = 30 360 θ Eq1 \beta ( \theta ) = \frac{30}{360} \theta \quad \text{Eq1}

A right angle can be formed of two types, θ \theta leads β \beta by 9 0 90 ^\circ or 27 0 270 ^\circ as shown in the image.

We are looking for the number of solutions to:

θ β = ( 2 n 1 ) 90 Eq2 \theta - \beta = ( 2n-1 ) 90 \quad \text{Eq2}

where n N n \in \mathbb{N}

Subbing Eq1 \to Eq2 for β \beta we find:

θ = ( 2 n 1 ) 90 1 30 360 Eq3 \theta = \frac{( 2n-1 ) 90}{ 1 - \frac{30}{360} } \quad \text{Eq3}

after 12 hrs:

θ = 12 36 0 = 432 0 Eq4 \theta = 12 \cdot 360 ^\circ = 4320 ^\circ \quad \text{Eq4}

Sub Eq4 \to Eq3 and solve for n n

n = 22.5 = 22 n = \lfloor 22.5 \rfloor = 22

Thanks for the problem!

Eric Roberts - 4 months, 1 week ago

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