A 10 seconds question!

Algebra Level 2

log 4 9 × log 81 5 × log 7 16 × log 25 49 \large {\color{#624F41}\log_{\color{teal}4} \color{#3D99F6}9 \color{#EC7300}\times \color{#624F41}\log_{\color{#3D99F6}{81}} \color{#ff00cc}5 \color{#EC7300}\times \color{#624F41}\log_{\color{#D61F06}7} \color{teal}{16} \color{#EC7300}\times \color{#624F41}\log_{\color{#ff00cc}{25}} {\color{#D61F06}{49}} }

Share it if you solved it in 10 seconds .
log 3 \log 3 1 1 log 2 \log 2 0 0 2 2

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4 solutions

Chew-Seong Cheong
Apr 19, 2015

log 4 9 × log 81 5 × log 7 16 × log 25 49 = log 9 log 4 × log 5 log 81 × log 16 log 7 × log 49 log 25 = log 9 log 4 × log 5 2 log 9 × 2 log 4 log 7 × 2 log 7 2 log 5 = 1 \log_4{9}\times \log_{81}{5} \times \log_7{16}\times \log_{25}{49} \\ \quad = \dfrac {\log{9}}{\log{4}}\times \dfrac {\log{5}}{\log{81}}\times \dfrac {\log{16}}{\log{7}}\times \dfrac {\log{49}}{\log{25}} \\ \quad = \dfrac {\log{9}}{\log{4}}\times \dfrac {\log{5}}{2\log{9}}\times \dfrac {2\log{4}}{\log{7}}\times \dfrac {2\log{7}}{2\log{5}} \\ \quad = \boxed{1}

Another solution, diferent and not direct as the solution of Chew-Seong Cheong:

Josh Spisak
Apr 23, 2015

I did basically everything Chew-Seong Cheong did... only with ln's. Remember folks: l o g 4 9 = log 9 log 4 = ln 9 ln 4 log_{4} 9 = \frac{\log{9}}{\log{4}} = \frac{\ln{9}}{\ln{4}} And the same rules with powers moving to the front apply.

Krishna Shankar
Apr 17, 2015

writing in change of base form every thing gets cancelled

Moderator note:

Can you elaborate on it?

I solved it in under 10 seconds !!!!!!

Vaibhav Prasad - 6 years, 1 month ago

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