An algebra problem by Rohith M.Athreya

Algebra Level 5

For any integer a a , let p a ( x ) p_a(x) be the polynomial p a ( x ) = x 3 x ( 3 a 2 π 2 ) + 2 a ( a 2 + π 2 ) p_a(x) = x^3 - x(3a^2 - \pi^2) + 2a(a^2 + \pi^2) . Let m m (respectively M M ) be the smallest (respectively largest) 3-digit natural number which is a zero of a polynomial p a ( x ) p_a(x) for some integer a a . What is the value of m + M m+M ?

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The answer is 1098.

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2 solutions

Mark Hennings
Feb 11, 2017

Since, with a Z a \in \mathbb{Z} , p a ( x ) = x 3 x ( 3 a 2 π 2 ) + 2 a ( a 2 + π 2 ) = ( x 3 3 a 2 x + 2 a 3 ) + π 2 ( x + 2 a ) = ( x + 2 a ) ( x 2 2 a x + a 2 + π 2 ) = ( x + 2 a ) ( ( x a ) 2 + π 2 ) \begin{aligned} p_a(x) & = x^3 - x(3a^2 - \pi^2) + 2a(a^2 + \pi^2) \; = \; (x^3 - 3a^2x + 2a^3) + \pi^2(x + 2a) \\ & = (x + 2a)(x^2 - 2ax + a^2 + \pi^2) \; = \; (x + 2a)\big((x-a)^2 + \pi^2\big) \end{aligned} the only integer root of p a ( x ) p_a(x) is 2 a -2a , we see that the smallest and largest possible 3 3 -digit natural number roots of p a ( x ) p_a(x) are the smallest and largest even 3 3 -digit natural numbers, so m = 100 m=100 and M = 998 M=998 . This makes the answer 1098 \boxed{1098} .

Spandan Senapati
Mar 18, 2017

A pretty cold logic is needed since we look for Naturals as solutions and a a is integer..... clearly taking the irrational part π 2 ( x + 2 a ) = 0 π^2(x+2a)=0 So x = 2 a x=-2a Can be guessed easily..And with This Real part is verified to be 0.So m a x ( M ) = 998 max(M)=998 and M i n = 100 Min=100

Nice question.

Spandan Senapati - 4 years, 2 months ago

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