x 2 4 + y 2 49 = 1 \frac{x^2}{4}+\frac{y^2}{49}=1

Algebra Level 2

If real numbers x x and y y satisfy x 2 4 + y 2 49 = 1 , \frac{x^2}{4}+\frac{y^2}{49}=1, the maximum value of x + y x+y is k . \sqrt{k}. What is k ? k?

51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54

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1 solution

Tunk-Fey Ariawan
Mar 17, 2014

Note that, if we plot x 2 4 + y 2 49 = 1 \dfrac{x^2}{4}+\dfrac{y^2}{49}=1 , it will be an ellipse and if we plot x + y = k x+y=\sqrt{k} , it will be a straight line. The largest possible value of k \sqrt{k} for which the line meets the ellipse at a k \sqrt{k} for which the line is tangent to the ellipse. So the maximum occurs when the straight line and the ellipse meet at a single point. From x + y = k x+y=\sqrt{k} we have y = x + k y=-x+\sqrt{k} and substitute this to ellipse equation, yield x 2 4 + ( x + k ) 2 49 = 1 x 2 4 + x 2 ( 2 k ) x + k 49 = 1 49 x 2 + 4 x 2 ( 8 k ) x + 4 k = 4 49 53 x 2 ( 8 k ) x + 4 k 196 = 0. \begin{aligned} \frac{x^2}{4}+\frac{(-x+\sqrt{k})^2}{49}&=1\\ \frac{x^2}{4}+\frac{x^2-(2\sqrt{k})x+k}{49}&=1\\ 49x^2+4x^2-(8\sqrt{k})x+4k&=4\cdot49\\ 53x^2-(8\sqrt{k})x+4k-196&=0. \end{aligned} The straight line and the ellipse will meet at a single point if the discriminant of the last quadratic equation is equal to zero. Therefore ( 8 k ) 2 4 53 ( 4 k 196 ) = 0 64 k 848 k + 41552 = 0 k = 41552 784 = 53 \begin{aligned} (-8\sqrt{k})^2-4\cdot53(4k-196)&=0\\ 64k-848k+41552&=0\\ k&=\frac{41552}{784}\\ &=\boxed{53} \end{aligned} Another approach, we can solve this problem by using Lagrange multiplier .

Cauchy also works

Xuming Liang - 7 years, 2 months ago

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