A and B

Algebra Level pending

There exists non-negative integers a a and b b such that for any x x satisfying a < x < b a<x<b , it is true that the square root of x x is greater than x x . Find the ordered pair ( a a , b b ).

(0, π/6) (-1,1) (2,4) (0,1)

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2 solutions

Viki Zeta
Mar 19, 2017

Since a and b are integers, options (-1,1) and ( 0 , π 6 ) (0,\dfrac{\pi}{6}) are excluded. Now for (2,4). Take 3, 3<3<4, 3 3 = 9 > 3 3^3=9>3 , So the only option left is (0,1)

Clarify that a and b are specifically non-negative integers. Also fix 3^3=9. Otherwise, great use of elimination!

Amogha Pokkulandra - 4 years, 2 months ago

We can rewrite x √x > x x as x > ( x 2 x>(x^2 ). The only number that satisfy this are positive decimals that lie in between 0 and 1. Therefore a a is equal to 0 and b b is equal to 1. Therefore the ordered pair ( a a , b b ) is equal to ( 0 , 1 ) \boxed{(0,1)} .

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