Let a , b , a, b, and c c be primes such that a + b + c = 100 a + b + c = 100 and c b c - b = 36.

What are the values of a , b , a, b, and c c ? Give your answer as the concatenation of a , b , a, b, and c . c.

For instance, if a = 30 , b = 20 , c = 10 a = 30, b = 20, c = 10 , then your answer will be 302010.

The answer is 23167.

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1 solution

Nelson Mandela
Dec 30, 2014

sum of 3 numbers is 100 implies that one number is even so a= only even prime=2. now, c+b=98 c-b=36 adding the 2 equations we have 2c =134 thus,c=67 that implies b=31

thus the solution is 23167.

follow me for more solutions.

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