Common values

Algebra Level 1

( x 80 ) 2 2 x 160 = 20 \frac{(x-80)^2}{2x-160}=20

What is the value of x x that satisfies the equation above?

40 80 60 120 160

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1 solution

Ivander Jonathan
May 10, 2015

For the first step, let's factor the bottom line. ( x 80 ) 2 2 ( x 80 ) = 20 \frac{(x-80)^2}{2(x-80)}=20 After crossing out, we get a linear equation and that x 80 x \not= 80 x 80 = 40 x-80=40 x = 120 x=\boxed{120}

Moderator note:

As Nihar Mahajan has pointed out, you should show that x 80 x\ne 80 else you could be dividing by 0 0 . Bonus question: What would the answer be if I replace the number 20 20 by 0 0 ?

It must also be mentioned that x 80 x \neq 80 before cancellation.

Nihar Mahajan - 6 years, 1 month ago

@Calvin Lin Sir, I think that the answer to the Bonus Question does not exist. :)

Again, After factoring the Denominator, We get x-80=0. Hence x=80, But, When we Put the value of x i.e. 80 into the Equation, We would divide by 0, Which is undefined. :)

Mehul Arora - 6 years, 1 month ago

No answer to bonus question

Yoogottam Khandelwal - 6 years ago

please mention that x is not equal to 80 next time

Leonardo Fajardo - 5 years, 8 months ago

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