A geometry puzzle with several solutions

Geometry Level 2

In the diagram above, A B C D ABCD is a rectangle and triangles A B P , B C Q , C D R , D A S ABP, BCQ, CDR, DAS are all equilateral. Which has a larger area, the red rectangle or the sum of the 4 blue triangles?

Red rectangle Four blue triangles They have an equal area

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5 solutions

Marta Reece
May 16, 2017

If the sides of the rectangle are a a and b b , the area of the rectangle is A = a b A_{\color{#D61F06}\square}=ab .

R C Q = 36 0 6 0 9 0 6 0 = 15 0 \angle RCQ=360^\circ-60^\circ-90^\circ-60^\circ=150^\circ

The area of one of the blue triangles is A = 1 2 a b sin ( 15 0 ) = 1 4 a b A_{\color{#3D99F6}\triangle}=\frac 12 ab \sin(150^\circ)=\frac 14 ab

The four blue triangles have a combined area A 4 = 4 × A = a b A_{\color{#3D99F6}4\triangle}=4\times A_{\color{#3D99F6}\triangle}=ab

A = A 4 A_{\color{#D61F06}\square}=A_{\color{#3D99F6}4\triangle}

Can their be a easier explanation for a class X student like me? please?

Swapan Das - 4 years ago

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I do not know of a more straightforward way of showing the equality, but if the solution needs more detail in some section, I'd be happy to provide it. What is it that you find difficult to understand?

Marta Reece - 4 years ago

How did you get that angle RCQ mean 360-60-90-60

Da Vinci - 4 years ago

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There are four shapes that meet up at point C: the triangle we want to investigate, two equilateral triangles, and a rectangle. So to get the angle inside the interesting triangle, I started with the full 36 0 360^\circ and subtracted the angles contributed by the other shapes, two 6 0 60^\circ angles and one 9 0 90^\circ . I listed them in the order in which they appear in the construction.

Marta Reece - 4 years ago

What's that 1/2 ab sin (theta) ? Is it a prescribed formula of area of triangles?

Shreyas Chatterjee - 4 years ago

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It is the formula for calculating an area of a triangle from two sides and the angle enclosed by those sides. It can be derived from the standard formula for the area of a triangle being A = 1 2 A=\frac12 base × \times height by expressing the height = = other side × sin ( \times \sin( enclosed angle).

A = 1 2 a h = 1 2 a b sin ( θ ) A=\dfrac 12 ah=\dfrac12 ab \sin(\theta)

Marta Reece - 4 years ago

Oh no sorry ....I got it . Area of equilateral triangle is root 3 by 4 into side square ... Which justifies half into product of adjacent sides into sin of angle between the sides

Shreyas Chatterjee - 4 years ago

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I am not sure I follow you. The formula A = 1 2 a b sin ( θ ) A=\frac12ab\sin(\theta) justifies the formula for equilateral triangle being A = 1 2 a 2 sin ( 60 ) = 1 2 a 2 3 2 = 3 4 a 2 A=\frac12a^2\sin(60)=\frac12a^2\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^2

But the reasoning does not go in the opposite direction. The formula for equilateral triangle, while compatible with the general formula, is not by itself sufficient to derive it.

Marta Reece - 4 years ago
Áron Bán-Szabó
May 16, 2017

The blue triangles are concident, because they all have two common sides and a common angle: P A = P B = R C = R D , A S = B Q = C Q = S D PA=PB=RC=RD, AS=BQ=CQ=SD and P A S = P B Q = Q C R = R D S = 360 ° 90 ° 2 60 ° = 150 ° \angle PAS=\angle PBQ=\angle QCR=\angle RDS=360°-90°-2*60°=150° .

I give two solutions:

First solution: Let's look at the next figure.

We reflected S S . We can see that T A B C D = T S A B Q C D T_{ABCD}=T_{SABQCD} (because T A S D = T B C Q T_{ASD}=T_{BCQ} ). The A B Q , A Q S , S Q D , D C Q ABQ, AQS, SQD, DCQ triangles are condicent with each other and with the purple triangles (because A S = B Q = D S = C Q , P B = A B = C D = C R AS=BQ=DS=CQ, PB=AB=CD=CR , and P B Q = A B Q = A S Q = D S Q = D C Q ) \angle PBQ=\angle ABQ=\angle ASQ=\angle DSQ=\angle DCQ) .

So the red rectangle's area is the same as the sum of the blue triangles' areas.

Second solution: Let's look at only one blue triangle (from the original figure). The M S D R MSDR is a paralelogram. We know that S D R = 150 ° \angle SDR=150° , so M S D \angle MSD have to be equal 30 ° 30° . We will calculate the area of the paralelogram. We draw the "height' of M S D R MSDR in the next figure. If X X is the foot point, then the D X S DXS triangle is a half-regular triangle, so X S 2 = S D XS*2=SD . If the original triangle's sides are a a and b b ( a > b ) (a>b) , then T M S D R = D R S X = a ( b / 2 ) = 2 T S D R T_{MSDR}=DR*SX=a*(b/2)=2*T_{SDR} . Now we know that T P B Q = T Q C R = T R D S = T S A P = a b / 4 T_{PBQ}=T_{QCR}=T_{RDS}=T_{SAP}=ab/4 .

So the red rectangle's area is the same as the sum of the blue triangles' areas.

Nice problem. It would be little more understandable if you would describe the triangles as "equilateral" instead of "regular."

Marta Reece - 4 years ago

nice solution

Karel Bachri - 4 years ago

In the general case, given a rectangle with sides a and b, and gray triangles with heights x and y, the area of the diamond defined by the triangles' vertices is (height times width ÷ 2)

Area of diamond = (a+2x)(b+2y) ÷ 2 = (ab + 4xy + 2ay + 2bx) ÷ 2. Area of 4 triangles = ay + bx

=> Area remaining = (ab + 4xy) ÷ 2 [ = 2ab, assuming rectangle and blue bits have equal area ] Rearrange: 4xy = 3ab.

There are an infinite number of solutions. However, the assumption is met for equilateral triangles, since in this case, x = 3^1/2 . b/2 and y = 3^1/2 . a/2

Bob Liddington - 4 years ago

In the 1st figure... CDR, BCQ and ABP are the equilateral triangles. so, BAS= 30 degrees and PAB= 60 degrees. PAS= PAB+ BAS= 60+ 30 degrees= 90 degrees. But, PBQ= 150 degrees. So, angle PAS not equals angle PBQ, right??

Panya Chunnanonda - 4 years ago

I liked your first one best, but the second can be made even simpler if you just mirror SDMR along the line SR, to get an elongated arrowhead shape (built from the very four small blue triangles which must be shown to be equal/greater/lesser than the red square). If we call the sides of the square DA = a and DC=b, then the parallel long sides of our blue elongated arrow-head are each b, and the point and the notch end are each made of two 'a' lengths, angled at (4x15=)60 degrees to each other; each thus make two sides of an equilateral triangle, side lengths a.

So then you just cut off the arrowtip end (an equilateral triangle with sides a) and fit it into the notch end, (which is ditto) and bingo: the area of the four blue triangles equates to a rectangle, area a by b.

Golly, I can see why people subscribe; I am itching to draw the diagram and post it.

A V-B - 4 years ago
Arjen Vreugdenhil
May 30, 2017

Let a = A B , b = A D a = AB, b = AD . Then S Q = b + 2 ( 1 2 3 a ) = b + 3 a , P R = a + 3 b , SQ = b + 2(\tfrac12\sqrt 3 a) = b + \sqrt 3a,\ \ PR = a + \sqrt 3 b, giving the rhombus P Q R S PQRS an area A total = 1 2 ( a + 3 b ) ( b + 3 a ) = 2 a b + 1 2 3 ( a 2 + b 2 ) . A_{\text{total}} = \tfrac12 (a + \sqrt 3 b)(b + \sqrt 3 a) = 2ab + \tfrac12\sqrt 3(a^2 + b^2).

The grey triangles have areas P A B = Q C D = 1 2 ( b 1 2 3 b ) = 1 4 3 b 2 , R B C = S A D = 1 4 3 a 2 , |PAB| = |QCD| = \tfrac12(b\cdot \tfrac12\sqrt 3 b) = \tfrac14\sqrt 3 b^2,\ \ \ |RBC| = |SAD| = \tfrac14\sqrt 3 a^2, with a total of A grey = 1 2 3 ( a 2 + b 2 ) . A_{\text{grey}} = \tfrac12\sqrt 3 (a^2 + b^2).

Now clearly the red rectangle has an area of A red = a b , A_{\text{red}} = ab, leaving a blue area of A blue = A total A grey A red = 2 a b + 1 2 3 ( a 2 + b 2 ) 1 2 3 ( a 2 + b 2 ) a b = a b . A_{\text{blue}} = A_{\text{total}} - A_{\text{grey}} - A_{\text{red}} \\ = 2ab + \tfrac12\sqrt 3(a^2 + b^2) - \tfrac12\sqrt 3 (a^2 + b^2) - ab = ab. Thus the blue area equals the red area.

Here's a related solution. View c = SR as the hypotenuse of right triangle OSR, with O being the center of the figure. You can use Pythagoras and your calculation of legs SQ = 2SO and PR = 2OR to get c^2 = SR^2 = [a^2+sqrt(3) a b+b^2]/4. If you then substitute (a+b+c)/2 for s in Heron's formula and apply (x+c)(x-c) = x^2 + c^2 with x = a+b and x=b-a to what's under the radical, you quickly get the area of blue triangle SDR as (a*b)/4, which is 1/4 of the red area.

Mel Maron - 3 years, 11 months ago
Uros Stojkovic
Jun 2, 2017

I added angles and named sides to the picture to my explanation was clearer. The area of one blue triangle is: A = b × h 2 A= \frac{b\times h}{2} .

From picture we can see that h = sin 3 0 × a = 1 2 × a h= \sin 30^{\circ} \times a = \frac{1}{2}\times a .

Back to area, we now have A = a × b 4 A= \frac{a\times b}{4} .

The area of the four blue triangles is 4 A = 4 × a × b 4 = a × b 4A= 4\times \frac{a\times b}{4}= a\times b which is exactly the same as area of ABCD rectangle.

Steven Fletcher
Jun 1, 2017

if (sideDC == 4 && sideCB == 2), because Why Not?

sideRC = 4; sideCQ = 2;

Since the grey triangles are equilaterals, their angles are 60, while the red triangle is 90. So angleRCD, plus the angleDCB, plus angleBCQ are 60 + 90 + 60 = 210, leaving 150 degrees for angleRCQ.

With sideRC, sideCQ, and angleRCQ, you can use trig to discover areaRCQ

sin(angleRCQ) / 2 * RC * CQ

sin(150) / 2 * 4 * 2

0.5 / 2 * 4 * 2

areaRCQ = 2

Four equal blue triangles = 4 * areaRCQ = 8

Area of Red Rectangle = DC * CB = 4 * 2 = 8

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