A strange equation I

Algebra Level 5

The four roots of the polynomial P ( x ) = x 4 + 8 x + 12 P(x)=x^{4}+8x+12 can be expressed (with the correct choice of signs) as:

x = a cos ( d ° ) ± ± b sec ( d ° ) c cos ( d ° ) x=\mp\sqrt{a\cos(d°)}\pm\sqrt{\pm\sqrt{b\sec(d°)}-c\cos(d°)}

0 < d < 40 0<d<40

Where, a a , b b , c c and d d are positive integers, and d d is in degrees. Find a + b + c + d a+b+c+d .

You may also try Part II .

The answer is 26.

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2 solutions

Get ready for a lot of substitutions!:

First of all, we will make the equation x 4 + 8 x + 12 = 0 x^{4}+8x+12=0 in the form of two quadratics: ( x 2 + P x + Q ) ( x 2 P x + R ) = 0 (x^{2}+Px+Q)(x^{2}-Px+R)=0 . After expanding, we have: x 4 + ( Q + R P 2 ) x 2 + P ( R Q ) x + Q R = 0 x^{4}+(Q+R-P^{2})x^{2}+P(R-Q)x+QR=0 Now, form an equation system by comparing the coefficients: Q + R P 2 = 0 Q + R = P 2 P ( R Q ) = 8 R Q = 8 P Q R = 12 Q+R-P^{2}=0 \implies Q+R=P^{2}\\ P(R-Q)=8 \implies R-Q=\dfrac{8}{P}\\ QR=12

Solve for R R and Q Q by adding and substracting, respectively, the first and the second equation: R = P 2 + 8 P 2 Q = P 2 8 P 2 R=\dfrac{P^{2}+\dfrac{8}{P}}{2}\\ Q=\dfrac{P^{2}-\dfrac{8}{P}}{2}

And substitute them in the third equation, in order to solve for P P : ( P 2 + 8 P 2 ) ( P 2 8 P 2 ) = 12 P 6 48 P 2 64 = 0 ( P 2 ) 3 48 P 2 64 = 0 \left(\dfrac{P^{2}+\dfrac{8}{P}}{2}\right)\left(\dfrac{P^{2}-\dfrac{8}{P}}{2}\right)=12\\ P^{6}-48P^{2}-64=0\\ (P^{2})^{3}-48P^{2}-64=0 Here we have a bi-cubic equation, so let's solve for P 2 P^{2} . Now, here comes a tricky part: consider the identity ( u + v ) 3 3 u v ( u + v ) ( u 3 + v 3 ) = 0 (u+v)^{3}-3uv(u+v)-(u^{3}+v^{3})=0 and make it match with the equation: P 2 = u + v 3 u v = 48 u v = 16 ( u 3 + v 3 ) = 64 u 3 + v 3 = 64 P^{2}=u+v\\ -3uv=-48 \implies uv=16\\ -(u^{3}+v^{3})=-64 \implies u^{3}+v^{3}=64

And another trick: cube both sides of the first equation: u v = 16 ( u ) 3 ( v ) 3 = 4096 uv=16 \implies (u)^{3}(v)^{3}=4096

Observe that the equation system we formed matches, by Vieta's formulas, with a second degree equation with roots u 3 u^{3} and v 3 v^{3} , so let z 1 = u 3 z_{1}=u^{3} and z 2 = v 3 z_{2}=v^{3} : z 2 64 z + 4096 = 0 z^{2}-64z+4096=0 Use the quadratic formula: z 1 , 2 = 32 ± 32 i 3 z_{1,2}=32\pm32i\sqrt{3} Where i = 1 i=\sqrt{-1} is the maginary unit.

Substitute back for u u and v v : u = 32 + 32 i 3 3 v = 32 32 i 3 3 u=\sqrt[3]{32+32i\sqrt{3}}\\ v=\sqrt[3]{32-32i\sqrt{3}}

Express them in polar form, and consider only the principal value: u = 64 e π i 3 3 u = 4 e π i 9 v = 64 e π i 3 3 v = 4 e π i 9 u=\sqrt[3]{64e^{\frac{\pi i}{3}}} \implies u=4e^{\frac{\pi i}{9}}\\ v=\sqrt[3]{64e^{-\frac{\pi i}{3}}} \implies v=4e^{-\frac{\pi i}{9}}

Reverse to the rectangular form and convert from radians to degrees: u = 4 ( cos ( 20 ° ) + i sin ( 20 ° ) ) v = 4 ( cos ( 20 ° ) i sin ( 20 ° ) ) u=4(\cos(20°)+i \sin(20°))\\ v=4(\cos(20°)-i \sin(20°))

Now, P 2 = u + v P^{2}=u+v , so: P 2 = 4 ( cos ( 20 ° ) + i sin ( 20 ° ) ) + 4 ( cos ( 20 ° ) i sin ( 20 ° ) ) P 2 = 8 cos ( 20 ° ) P = 2 2 cos ( 20 ° ) P^{2}=4(\cos(20°)+i \sin(20°))+4(\cos(20°)-i \sin(20°))\\ P^{2}=8\cos(20°)\\ P=2\sqrt{2\cos(20°)}

Substitute back to obtain R R and Q Q : R = 4 cos ( 20 ° ) + 2 sec ( 20 ° ) Q = 4 cos ( 20 ° ) 2 sec ( 20 ° ) R=4\cos(20°)+\sqrt{2\sec(20°)}\\ Q=4\cos(20°)-\sqrt{2\sec(20°)}

Now, in our initial form ( x 2 + P x + Q ) ( x 2 P x + R ) = 0 (x^{2}+Px+Q)(x^{2}-Px+R)=0 , solve each factor using the quadratic formula: x 1 , 2 = P ± P 2 4 Q 2 x 3 , 4 = P ± P 2 4 R 2 x_{1,2}=\dfrac{-P\pm\sqrt{P^{2}-4Q}}{2}\\ x_{3,4}=\dfrac{P\pm\sqrt{P^{2}-4R}}{2}

And substitute back again with the known values of P P , Q Q and R R : x 1 , 2 = 2 cos ( 20 ° ) ± 2 sec ( 20 ° ) 2 cos ( 20 ° ) x 3 , 4 = 2 cos ( 20 ° ) ± 2 sec ( 20 ° ) 2 cos ( 20 ° ) x_{1,2}=-\sqrt{2\cos(20°)}\pm\sqrt{\sqrt{2\sec(20°)}-2\cos(20°)}\\ x_{3,4}=\sqrt{2\cos(20°)}\pm\sqrt{-\sqrt{2\sec(20°)}-2\cos(20°)}

The four solutions only differ from the signs, so we can conclude: x 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 = 2 cos ( 20 ° ) ± ± 2 sec ( 20 ° ) 2 cos ( 20 ° ) x_{1,2,3,4}=\mp\sqrt{2\cos(20°)}\pm\sqrt{\pm\sqrt{2\sec(20°)}-2\cos(20°)} With the correct sign choose for each x x : x 1 = + + x 2 = + x 3 = + + x 4 = + x_{1}=-++\\ x_{2}=--+\\ x_{3}=++-\\ x_{4}=+--

So, after all, a = b = c = 2 a=b=c=2 , d = 20 d=20 , and a + b + c + d = 26 a+b+c+d=\boxed{26} .

Shit. That was amazing!!!!

Tarun Khanna - 6 years, 11 months ago
Lu Chee Ket
Aug 27, 2014

Revised Ferrari's Method:

x^4 + 8 x + 12 = 0

=> x^4 + p x^2 - p x^2 + 8 x + 12 = 0

=> (x^2 + p/ 2)^2 - (p x^2 - 8 x) + 12 - p^2/ 4 = 0

=> (x^2 + p/ 2)^2 - [sqrt(p) x - 4/ sqrt(p)]^2 + 12 - p^2/ 4 - 16/ p = 0

With 12 - p^2/ 4 - 16/ p = 0 such that p^3 - 48 p - 64 = 0 where p = 8 Cos 20 deg is taken,

(x^2 + p/ 2)^2 - [sqrt(p) x - 4/ sqrt(p)]^2 = 0

=> [x^2 + p/ 2 - sqrt(p) x + 4/ sqrt(p)][x^2 + p/ 2 + sqrt(p) x - 4/ sqrt(p)] = 0

=> [x^2 - sqrt(p) x + 4/ sqrt(p) + p/ 2][x^2 + sqrt(p) x - 4/ sqrt(p) + p/ 2 ] = 0

=> [(x - sqrt(p)/ 2)^2 - (p/ 4 - 4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 2)][(x + sqrt(p)/ 2)^2 - (p/ 4 + 4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 2)] = 0

=> [(x - sqrt(p)/ 2)^2 - (- 4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4)][(x + sqrt(p)/ 2)^2 - (4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4)] = 0


x = sqrt(p)/ 2 - sqrt(- 4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4) or sqrt(p)/ 2 + sqrt(- 4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4) OR - sqrt(p)/ 2 - sqrt(4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4) or - sqrt(p)/ 2 + sqrt(4/ sqrt(p) - p/ 4)

With p = 8 Cos (20 deg) as 0 deg < d deg < 40 deg, {a degree is equal to Pi/180 and therefore never repeat wrongly. The question made a slight mistake.}

x = Sign sqrt(2 Cos 20 deg) +/- sqrt[-Sign sqrt(2 Sec 20 deg) - 2 Cos 20 deg]

a + b + c + d = 2 + 2 + 2 + 20 = 26.

1 degree = Pi/ 180 (of value). Never repeat or miss out.

Lu Chee Ket - 6 years, 9 months ago

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