A tight fit ....

Geometry Level 5

A circle of (non-zero) radius r r is positioned so that it is tangent to both y = x y = \sqrt{x} and the positive x x -axis. Another circle, again of the same radius r r , is positioned so that it is tangent to both y = x y = \sqrt{x} and the positive y y -axis.

There is a unique value of r r so that the two circles described above, both of radius r r , are also tangent to one another. Find 10000 r \lfloor 10000*r \rfloor .

The answer is 4424.

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3 solutions

Ujjwal Rane
Oct 1, 2014

Ujjwal Ujjwal From the figure:

Perpendicular TM dropped from point of tangency T on the x-axis

A, B = X & Y intercepts of tangent at T

AO = OM . . . property of parabola

Hence AB = BT

In triangles BTC2 and ATC1

BT = r/tan(beta) and AT = r/tan(alfa)

Hence 2 tan(alfa) = tan(beta) . . . . . . (I)

Angles 2(alfa) + 2(beta) = 90 . . . complimentary angles in right triangle AOB

Hence, alfa = 45 - beta . . . . . (II)

Substitute in (I) to get the quadratic: t^2 + 3t - 2 = 0 . . . t = tan(beta)

Solve to get beta = 29.32° and alfa = 15.68°

Then find x coordinate of T or OM = 0.6727

Then BT = OM/cos(2 alfa) = 0.7879

and finally r = BT tan(beta) = 0.4424

This is an elegant solution, Ujjwal, and the diagram looks great. I much prefer your approach to the calculus/algebra method I used, but I posted my solution anyway for sake of variety.

Brian Charlesworth - 6 years, 8 months ago

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Felt honored Brian! Thanks! It was a pleasure to solve this one. I must thank you for that too.

Ujjwal Rane - 6 years, 8 months ago

How did you get OM = 0.6727?

Joe Mansley - 1 year, 10 months ago

I'll post a full solution later when I have time, but for now, here is a diagram of the winning scenario.

Edit: O.k., here is an outline of my approach....

Let P ( p , p ) P(p,\sqrt{p}) be the point on y = x y = \sqrt{x} to which both of the radius r r circles are tangent. Next, let A ( a , r ) A(a,r) be the center of the circle that is tangent to both y = x y = \sqrt{x} and the positive x x -axis and B ( r , b ) B(r,b) be the center of the circle tangent to both y = x y = \sqrt{x} and the positive y y -axis.

Now the slope of the tangent line to y = x y = \sqrt{x} at P P is 1 2 p \frac{1}{2\sqrt{p}} , so the slope of the line through A A and B B is 2 p -2\sqrt{p} . Thus the equation of this normal line is

y p = 2 p ( x p ) y - \sqrt{p} = -2\sqrt{p}(x - p) .

Now since A ( a , r ) A(a,r) lies on this line we have that

p r = 2 p ( a p ) \sqrt{p} - r = 2\sqrt{p}(a - p) , (I).

Next, since P P is the midpoint of A B AB we have that

a + r 2 = p a = 2 p r \dfrac{a + r}{2} = p \Longrightarrow a = 2p - r .

Substituting this into equation (I) gives us

p r = 2 p ( p r ) \sqrt{p} - r = 2\sqrt{p}(p - r) , (II).

Now let Q Q be the point of intersection of the vertical line through B B and the horizontal line through A A . Then Δ O A B \Delta OAB is a right triangle with hypotenuse A B AB of length 2 r 2r , base Q A QA of length a r = 2 p 2 r = 2 ( p r ) a - r = 2p - 2r = 2(p - r) and vertical side Q B QB having length 2 ( p r ) 2(\sqrt{p} - r) . Using Pythagoras, we can form the equation

( 2 r ) 2 = [ 2 ( p r ) ] 2 + [ 2 ( p r ) ] 2 r 2 = ( p r ) 2 + ( p r ) 2 (2r)^{2} = [2(p - r)]^{2} + [2(\sqrt{p} - r)]^{2} \Longrightarrow r^{2} = (p - r)^{2} + (\sqrt{p} - r)^{2} , (III).

Expanding this last equation and then solving the resulting quadratic for r r , we find that

r = p + p ± 2 p p r = p + \sqrt{p} \pm \sqrt{2p\sqrt{p}} .

Assuming for now that r < p r \lt p , we have that r = p + p 2 p p r = p + \sqrt{p} - \sqrt{2p\sqrt{p}} .

(Edit: If we were to choose the "+" sign then we would end up with a circle that has its center outside the first quadrant, and hence would render an invalid solution.)

After substituting this result into (I) and simplifying, we find that

2 p p p = 2 p ( 2 p p p ) \sqrt{2p\sqrt{p}} - p = 2\sqrt{p}(\sqrt{2p\sqrt{p}} - \sqrt{p})

p 2 2 p p + 2 p p = 0 \Longrightarrow p - 2\sqrt{2}p\sqrt{\sqrt{p}} + \sqrt{2p\sqrt{p}} = 0

2 2 y 2 y 2 = 0 \Longrightarrow 2\sqrt{2}*y^{2} - y - \sqrt{2} = 0 , where y = p 4 y = \sqrt[4]{p} .

Noting that y > 0 y \gt 0 we then find that y = 1 + 17 4 2 y = \dfrac{1 + \sqrt{17}}{4\sqrt{2}} , and so

p = y 4 = 49 + 9 17 128 p = y^{4} = \dfrac{49 + 9\sqrt{17}}{128} .

Finally, r = y 4 + y 2 2 y 3 = 3 ( 23 17 ) 128 r = y^{4} + y^{2} - \sqrt{2}y^{3} = \dfrac{3(23 - \sqrt{17})}{128} ,

which is approximately 0.4424272 0.4424272 , and so 10000 r = 4424 \lfloor 10000*r \rfloor = \boxed{4424} .

I got a fairly awful quartic: r 4 41 32 r 3 + 2177 4096 r 2 93 1024 r + 9 1024 r^4 - \frac{41}{32} r^3 + \frac{2177}{4096} r^2 - \frac{93}{1024} r + \frac9{1024} , which actually had two real roots, although I suspect one of them corresponds to an incorrect choice of sign, since I had to square one of my equations.

Patrick Corn - 6 years, 8 months ago

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Yes, it is a bit ugly. I got a second real root too, which corresponded to a circle with a center that wasn't in the first quadrant. The exact value for the radius of the desired circles is ( 3 128 ) ( 23 17 ) (\frac{3}{128})(23 - \sqrt{17}) .

It's not as "pretty" a problem as a similar one I posted a while back involving a parabola, but I still thought it was worth posting.

Brian Charlesworth - 6 years, 8 months ago

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Oh right, I didn't even notice that my quartic factored as ( r 2 69 64 r + 9 32 ) ( r 2 13 64 r + 1 32 ) . (r^2-\frac{69}{64} r + \frac9{32} )(r^2-\frac{13}{64} r + \frac1{32} ).

Patrick Corn - 6 years, 8 months ago
Guiseppi Butel
Oct 4, 2014

soln soln

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