ABC and D

Geometry Level 4

In triangle A B C ABC , B A C = 3 0 \angle BAC = 30^\circ and B C A = 4 5 \angle BCA = 45^ \circ . D D is a point on line segment A C AC such that A B = D C AB = DC . What is the measure (in degrees) of A D B \angle ADB ?

The answer is 135.

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11 solutions

Ed Mañalac
May 20, 2014

draw the perpendicular line from B to DC and label the intersection as point E

Consider Right Triangle BAE, since Triangle BAE is a 30-60-90 triangle with AB as its hypotenuse, we have BE=(1/2)(AB)

Consider Right Triangle BEC, since Triangle BEC is a 45-45-90 triangle with BC as its hypotenuse, we have BE=EC = (1/2)(AB)

it is given that AB = DC, and DC = DE + EC, we have DE = (1/2)(AB)

consider Rigt Triangle BED with hypotenuse BD, since BE = DE, we have angle EDB and angle DBE to be both 45 degrees

since angle EDB is 45 degrees, we have angle ADB = 180 - angle EDB

angle ADB= 180-45 angle ADB= 135 degrees

Fabrizio Berritta
May 20, 2014

Let H H be the point on line segment A C AC such that A H B = B H C = 9 0 \angle AHB = \angle BHC = 90 ^ \circ : in order to that A B H = 6 0 \angle ABH = 60 ^ \circ and H B C = 4 5 \angle HBC = 45 ^ \circ .

Since A B H ABH is a right triangle whose angles are 3 0 30 ^ \circ , 6 0 60 ^ \circ and 9 0 90 ^ \circ , A B = 2 × B H AB=2 \times BH and considering that H B C HBC is a right triangle whose angles are 4 5 45 ^ \circ , 4 5 45 ^ \circ and 9 0 90 ^ \circ , therefore B H = H C BH=HC .

For the reason that H C = 1 2 × A B HC= \frac {1}{2} \times AB , H H is the middle point of the line segment D C DC .

D B C DBC is a isosceles triangle, because H H is the middle point of the base D C DC and B H BH is the height of the triangle D B C DBC from the vertex B B . In an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the equal sides are equal, so B D C = B C D = 4 5 \angle BDC = \angle BCD= 45 ^ \circ . Hence, A D B = 18 0 B D C = 18 0 4 5 = 13 5 \angle ADB = 180 ^ \circ - \angle BDC = 180 ^ \circ-45 ^ \circ = 135 ^ \circ

Joe Tomkinson
May 20, 2014

First, quickly check that D D is in between A A and C C - A B C = 18 0 3 0 4 5 = 10 5 \angle ABC = 180^\circ - 30^\circ - 45^\circ = 105^\circ , which is bigger than B C A \angle BCA . Therefore A C > A B AC > AB , so when D C DC is drawn to the same length as A B AB the point D D is in between A A and C C .

Using the sine rule on the triangle A B C ABC we get that A B s i n ( 4 5 ) = B C s i n ( 3 0 ) \frac{AB}{sin(45^\circ)} = \frac{BC}{sin(30^\circ)} or, evaluating the sines, A B = B C 2 AB = BC \sqrt{2} . Therefore D C = B C s q r t 2 DC = BCsqrt{2} .

At this point we look at the triangle B C D BCD . You could notice that it has the pattern of a 4 5 : 4 5 : 9 0 45^\circ:45^\circ:90^\circ right angled triangle, as the side D C DC is 2 \sqrt{2} times as big as B C BC with a 4 5 45^\circ angle in between. The next section proves this trigonometrically.

Let x = D B C x = \angle DBC . Then C D B = 18 0 B C D D B C = 13 5 x \angle CDB = 180^\circ - \angle BCD - \angle DBC = 135^\circ - x . Using the sine rule with these two angles gives D C s i n ( x ) = B C s i n ( 13 5 x ) \frac{DC}{sin(x)} = \frac{BC}{sin(135^\circ - x)} . Rearranging, substituting in D C = B C 2 DC = BC\sqrt{2} and cancelling gives

s i n ( x ) = s i n ( 13 5 x ) 2 = ( s i n ( 13 5 ) c o s ( x ) c o s ( 13 5 ) s i n ( x ) ) 2 = ( c o s ( x ) 2 2 + s i n ( x ) 2 2 ) 2 = c o s ( x ) + s i n ( x ) sin(x) = sin(135^\circ - x)\sqrt{2}\\ \quad\quad\:\:\:\, = (sin(135^\circ)cos(x) - cos(135^\circ)sin(x))\sqrt{2}\\ \quad\quad\:\:\:\, = (cos(x)\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} + sin(x)\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2})\sqrt{2}\\ \quad\quad\:\:\:\, = cos(x) + sin(x)

So c o s ( x ) = 0 cos(x) = 0 , which means that D B C = 9 0 \angle DBC = 90^\circ and D B C DBC is a right angled triangle with the ratios mentioned earlier. In particular, C D B = 4 5 \angle CDB = 45^\circ and, since A A , D D and C C are on the same line, A D B = 18 0 C D B = 13 5 \angle ADB = 180^\circ - \angle CDB = \underline{135^\circ} .

This problem is much easier when you draw in the height of the triangle, which allows you to map better use of the 3 0 30 ^\circ and 4 5 45^\circ angles.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Brendan Yap
May 20, 2014

Label the foot of the altitude from B as point E, and denote the height as h. Then, triangle BAE is a 30-60-90 triangle with right angle at E, and thus AB = 2h, which also equals DC, as given in the problem. Also, note that triangle BEC is a 45-45-90 triangle, so CE = h. Then, DE = DC - CE = h, which means that BED is another 45-45-90 triangle. Thus, angle ADB measures 180-45 = 135 degrees.

Lucas Reis
May 20, 2014

By the Sine Rule on the triangle ABC, we have: BC/sin (30º)= AB/sin (45º) , where AB=2.BC.sin(45º) (*).

Let E be over AC such that BE is the height for B. How the triangle CEB is rectangle, we have EC/BC=sin(45º), where EC=BC.sin(45º)=AB/2 for (*). But, by hypothesis, CD=AB, where EC=CD/2. Then EC=ED=CD/2, that is, BE is height for B (on triangle CBD) and median. Thus CBD is a isosceles triangle with BD=BC. Then (angle)BCD=(angle)BDC=45º and so (angle)BDA=180º-45º=135º.

Notes: "." is the multiplication symbol "/" is the division symbol

Evan Chien
May 20, 2014

There are a few ways you could solve this problem. Of course you could use a ruler and a protractor, but that would be cheating and we want a mathematical way to solve it. I solved this problem like this:

Start off by drawing triangle ABC according to the requirements. I gave AB a set value of 10 since it didn't affect the problem. Using the Law of Sines, AB/sin C=BC/sin A. Plugging in the numbers you end up with 10/≈0.7071067 =BC/0.5. Eventually you end up with BC≈7.0710678.

Now using the Law of Cosines, BD²=BC²+CD²-2(BC)(CD)cos C. Plugging in the numbers you end up with BD²≈50+100-2(7.0710678)(10)cos 45. Eventually you end up with BD=BC=7.0710678. Since triangle BCD is isosceles and∠C=45, ∠BDC=45 also. Now ∠ADB=180-45 which gives you the answer 135.

To make the calculation easier, assume AB = CD = x.

By using sin rule,

AB/(sinC) = AC/(sinB)

x/(sin45°) = AC/(sin105°)

AC = (x(√3 + 1))/2

AD = AC - CD

AD = (x(√3 - 1))/2

Again by using sin rule,

AB/sinC = BC/sinA

x/(sin45°) = BC/(sin30°)

BC = x/√2

By using Stewart Theorem,

BD² · AC = AB² · CD + BC² · AD - AD · CD · AC

BD² · ((x(√3 + 1))/2) = x² · x + (x²/2) · ((x(√3 - 1))/2) - ((x(√3 - 1))/2) · x · ((x(√3 + 1))/2)

BD² · ((x(√3 + 1))/2) = x³ + (x³(√3 - 1))/4 - x³/2

BD² · ((x(√3 + 1))/2) = (x³(√3 + 1))/4

BD² = x²/2

BD = x/√2

By using sin rule,

BD/(sinC) = BC/(sin(BDC))

(x/√2)/(sin45°) = (x/√2)/(sin(BDC))

Angle BDC = 45°

Angle ADB = 180° - (Angle BDC)

Angle ADB = 180° - 45°

Angle ADB = 135°

Caio Pontes
May 20, 2014

To find the solution of the question, we have to do the law o sines: 1) ∠ADB= α ,∠CBD= θ,so we conclude that ∠ADB= θ + 45º 2)Applying the law of sines on the triangle BDC: DC/sin θ = BD/sin45º so, sin θ = DC\cdot\sqrt{2} 3))Applying the law of sines on the triangle ABD:BD/sin 30º = AB/sin α so, sin α = AB/2\cdot\BD 4)solving the system, we found that θ=90º so ∠ADB= θ + 45º= 135º

Catherine Wooller
May 20, 2014

Firstly let us take AB =1(x). Using the sine rule,a/sin(A)=b/sin(B). Therefore, we find that 1(x)/sin(45) * sin(30)=BC=0.7071(x). Now let us add a line from B to D: we know that CD=(x) and BC=0.7071(x). Using cos rule: a^2=b^2+c^2-2bc cos(A) to find DB^2 we input the values of CB,CD and <DCB into the formula to get 1(x)^2+0.7071(x)^2-2 1(x) 0.7071(x) cos(45)=0.5x^2. therefore, DB=squareroot(0.5)=0.7071. This is equal to BC, so the triangle CBD must be isosceles. Therefore the angle <CDB=<DCB=45. The angle <ADB=180-<CDB=135. Therefore the answer is 135.

Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

Solution 1: Let E E be the foot of the perpendicular from B B to A C AC . Since B C E = 4 5 \angle BCE = 45^\circ , so B C E BCE is an right isosceles triangle. Also, A B E ABE is a 30 60 90 30-60-90 triangle. Thus C E = B E = 1 2 B A CE = BE = \frac{1}{2} BA . Since C D = B A CD = BA , it follows that E D = 1 2 B A ED = \frac{1}{2} BA , or that B E D BED is also a right isosceles triangle. Thus B D E = 4 5 \angle BDE = 45^\circ and B D E = 18 0 B D A = 13 5 \angle BDE = 180^\circ - \angle BDA = 135 ^\circ .

Solution 2: Let B D C = α \angle BDC = \alpha , then D B C = 13 5 α \angle DBC = 135^\circ - \alpha .

Applying sine rule to triangle A B C ABC , we get B C sin 3 0 = A B sin 4 5 \frac { BC} {\sin 30^\circ } = \frac { AB} { \sin 45^\circ } .
Applying sine rule to triangle B C D BCD , we get B C sin α = D C sin ( 13 5 α ) \frac {BC} { \sin \alpha } = \frac { DC } { \sin (135^\circ - \alpha ) } .

Since A B = D C AB = DC , hence 1 2 = sin 3 0 sin 4 5 = B C A B = B C D C = sin α sin ( 13 5 α ) . \frac{1}{ \sqrt{2}} = \frac{ \sin 30^\circ } { \sin 45^\circ} = \frac{BC}{AB} = \frac { BC} { DC} = \frac { \sin \alpha } { \sin(135^ \circ - \alpha ) } .

Expanding this out, we get 2 sin α = sin ( 13 5 α ) = 2 2 cos α ( 2 2 sin α ) \sqrt{2} \sin \alpha = \sin (135^\circ - \alpha) = \frac{\sqrt{2}} {2} \cos \alpha - ( - \frac { \sqrt{2} } {2} \sin \alpha) , or that tan α = 1 \tan \alpha = 1 . Hence α = 4 5 \alpha = 45^\circ and so A D B = 13 5 \angle ADB = 135 ^ \circ .

Used the second method. But prefer the first method . It is so simple and geometric !!

Niranjan Khanderia - 5 years ago
James Aaronson
May 20, 2014

Let AB = c and BC = a. By the sine rule, c s i n ( 45 ) = a s i n ( 30 ) \frac{c}{sin(45)} = \frac{a}{sin(30)} . In particular, we can rearrange this to a 2 + a 2 = c 2 a^2 + a^2 = c^2 .

Draw the line BD' with D' on AC such that BD' is perpendicular to BC. This gives an angle of BD'C = 45, so BD' = BC = a by isosceles-ness, so D'C = c by pythagoras, so D' and D are the same point.

From here, it is easy to obtain ADB = AD'B = 135 degrees.

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