ABCD 5432

Given 4 positive integers a , b , c a, b, c and d d such that a 5 = b 4 , c 3 = d 2 a^5 =b^4, c^3 = d^2 and c a = 19 c-a = 19 , what is the value of d b d-b ?

The answer is 757.

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14 solutions

First we note that a a must be a fourth-power number, and that c c must be a square number. So let a = m 4 a = m^4 and c = n 2 c = n^2 . The equation c a = 19 = ( m 2 + n ) ( m 2 n ) c-a = 19 = -(m^2+n)(m^2-n) means that, since 19 is a prime number, m 2 + n = 19 , m 2 n = 1 m^2+n = 19, m^2-n = -1 Which means m = 3 , n = 10 m=3,n=10 , which then means a = 81 , c = 100 , b = 243 , d = 1000 a = 81, c = 100, b = 243, d = 1000

This is an AIME problem - please give credit, creator!!

Michael Tang - 7 years, 5 months ago


RAGHU RAM - 7 years, 5 months ago

Good job

Giri Kumar - 7 years, 5 months ago

II agree with Michael; this problem is almost exactly like the problem 2 on the 2013 WOOT Practice AIME 1.

Lee Wall - 7 years, 5 months ago


Ifthikhar Hussain - 7 years, 4 months ago

شكرا جزيلا mean thanks by arbic

saleh elsbahi - 7 years, 4 months ago


Debjyoti Chattopadhyay - 7 years, 4 months ago

Because c^3 = d^2 \Rightarrow c^3 is Perfect square \Rightarrow c is a perfect square analogously, a is a perfect square. c - a = 19 \Rightarrow c >= a \Rightarrow \exists k, l \in N such that a = k^2 and c = (k+l)^2 c - a = (k+l)^2 - k^2 = 2kl + l^2 = 19 \Rightarrow l is odd and l^2 <= 19 \Rightarrow l = 1 or l =3 if l = 3 then 6k + 9 = 19 \Rightarrow 6k = 10 (!) if l =1 then 2k + 1 = 19 \Rightarrow k = 9 \Rightarrow a = 81 and c = 100 \Rightarrow b = 243 and d = 1000 so d - b = 1000 - 243 = 757

Raymond Tanadi
May 20, 2014

Suppose a=k^4, b=k^5, c=m^2, d=m^3 for some integer k and m. Since a,b,c,d are postive, then k,m are positive too. Since c-a=19, we have m^2-k^4=19 Factor out, (m+k^2)(m-k^2)=19. Since 19 is prime, its factor are only 1,-1,19,-19. Since m+k^2>0 and m+k^2>m-k^2, we have m+k^2=19 and m-k^2=1. Solving equation, m=10 and k^2=9. k is positive so k=3.

Hence, d-b=m^3-k^5=10^3-3^5=1000-243=757

a 5 = b 4 , c 3 = d 2 a^5=b^4, c^3=d^2

Thus, there are exist integers s s and t t such that a = t 4 , b = t 5 , c = s 2 , d = s 3 a=t^4, b=t^5, c=s^2, d=s^3 . So, s 2 t 4 = 19 s^2-t^4=19 .

( s t 2 ) ( s + t 2 ) = 19 (s-t^2)(s+t^2)=19

19 19 is prime number and s + t 2 > s t 2 s+t^2 > s-t^2

so, s + t 2 = 19 s+t^2=19 and s t 2 = 1 s-t^2=1 .

Then, s = 10 , t = 3 s=10, t=3 and so d = s 3 = 1000 , b = t 5 = 243 d=s^3=1000, b=t^5=243 and d b = 757 d-b=\boxed{757}

this is how i solved it :)

Sharanya Marpaka - 7 years, 3 months ago
Shourya Pandey
May 20, 2014

Since a , b , c , d a,b,c,d are integers, so

a 5 a^5 = b 4 b^4

means that a a is a perfect fourth power, which also means that it is a perfect square.


c 3 c^3 = d 2 d^2

means that c c is a perfect square.

So now c a c-a = 19

This implies that c c and a a are perfect squares with a difference of 19.

Suppose their square roots are consecutive. Then,

If c c = k 2 k^2 , then a a = ( k 1 ) 2 (k-1)^2

So c a c-a = 2 k 1 2k-1

Implying that k=10.

So c=10 and a=9.

Substituting these values, we get



So, d b d-b =757.

Now we show the uniqueness of the solution.

If we substitute values like square of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for c c then we find that a a will not be a perfect square.

So, c 100 c \geq 100

So we also see that If c 100 c \neq 100 , then the minimum value of c will become 121.

But the nearest perfect square to 121 is 100,

But 121 100 121-100 =21.

So, c < 121 c < 121 , which proves that c= 10 and a= 9 is a unique solution.

May 20, 2014

Since a , b , c a,b,c and d d are integers and 4 and 5, as well as 3 and 2, are relatively prime, hence the given equations imply that a = x 4 a=x^4 , b = x 5 b=x^5 for some positive x x , and that c = y 2 c=y^2 and d = y 3 d=y^3 for some positive integer y y . So c a = y 2 x 4 = ( y x 2 ) ( y + x 2 ) = 19 c-a=y^2-x^4=(y-x^2)(y+x^2)=19 . Since 19 is prime, [and the second term is positive] y x 2 = 1 , y + x 2 = 19 y-x^2=1, y+x^2=19 . Solving gives y = 10 , x = 3 y=10,x=3 , and plugging in give d b = 757 d-b = 757 .

Because of this 1 line, all other solutions were marked incomplete. Why is it important that "4 and 5 as well as 3 and 2 are relatively prime."?

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Zhimin Gong
May 20, 2014

c and a must be perfect square numbers, so we get c=100, a=81. b=243, d=1000 d-b=757

Tutur Widodo
May 20, 2014

From a 5 = b 4 a^5=b^4 and c 3 = d 2 c^3=d^2 we conclude that a = m 4 a=m^4 and c = n 2 c=n^2 for some positive integer m , n m,n . Then 19 = c a = n 2 m 4 = ( n + m 2 ) ( n m 2 ) 19=c-a=n^2-m^4=(n+m^2)(n-m^2) since n + m 2 2 n+m^2\geq 2 , we get n + m 2 = 19 n+m^2=19 and n m 2 = 1 n-m^2=1 , yield n = 10 n=10 and m 2 = 9 m^2=9 . So, we get a = 81 , c = 100 a=81, c=100 therefore b = 243 , d = 1000 b=243, d=1000 and d b = 757 d-b=757

Since a 5 = b 4 a^5 = b^4 so a must be in the form of k 4 k^4 for some k

Since c 3 = d 2 c^3 = d^2 so c must be in the form of l 2 l^2 for some l

Looks at k if k=2 ===> a = 32 , c=50 contradiction

if k = 3 ===> a = 81 , c=100 = 10^2 wow yeah !!

so a = 81 c=100 d=1000 b=243 therefore d-b = 757 757

We mmst have a and c being square numbers. The only case is a=81 and c= 100

Song Kai Tan - 7 years, 5 months ago

a = 32 -> c = 51 not 50? And how can we know that this is the only answer?

Samuraiwarm Tsunayoshi - 7 years, 5 months ago

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yeah its 51 , to check its only answer you have to plug in k and l to c-a then factorized it (my solution is the first one that came to my mind. first i didnt think to check only answer through)

Tachin Ruangkriengsin - 7 years, 5 months ago

شكرا جزيلا mean thanks by arbic

saleh elsbahi - 7 years, 4 months ago
Budi Utomo
Dec 23, 2013

To easely solutioning we know if a^5 = b^4 ---> a = p^4 and b = q^5. Then, c^3 = d^2 --> c = r^2 and d = s^3. We know if c - a = 19 and 19 is prime number (19.1) ---> c - a = 19 --> r^2 - p^4 = 19.1 ----> (r + p^2)(r - p^2) = 19.1, so with substitution method we've r = 10 and p =3. So, c = 100 and a = 81. Thus, now we get d = 1000 and b = 243. Finally, d - b = 1000 - 243 = 757. Answer : 757

Alaa Qarooni
Feb 18, 2014

Lets start by rearranging the equations so as to find positive integer solutions for a a and c c :

a 5 4 = b a^{\frac 54} = b and c 3 2 = d c^{\frac 32} = d

According to these rearranged equations, b b will have integer values if and only if a a is a fourth power number, and d d will be an integer if and only if c c is a square number. Correspondingly, every fourth power number is in fact a square number, so it is safe to say that a a is a square number as well. Now the question states that the difference between c c and a a is 19. Now if we examine square numbers, we can see that if we have a square number n 2 n^2 , it can be expressed as a sum of all odd numbers up to 2 n 1 2n - 1 . The odd number we are aiming to reach through this is 19, and accordingly:

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 = 100 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 = 100

Now we can see that to get 19, we need to subtract 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = 81 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = 81 from 100 100 . As a result, we find c c to be 100 100 and a a to be 81 81 . Now to find d d and b b , we just use the rearranged equations we started with:

b = 8 1 5 4 = 243 b = 81^{\frac 54} = 243 and d = 10 0 3 2 = 1000 d = 100^{\frac 32} = 1000

Therefore, d b = 1000 243 = 757 d - b = 1000 - 243 = \boxed{757}

Jack Budbean
Jan 25, 2014

The first two equations will be satisfied when a,b,c,d are one's..or if a,b,c and d can all themselves be expressed as powers of a this case the equations are of the form x^4^5=x^5^4 ; y^2^3=y^3^2; where a=x^4; c=y^2...... On trying different values of powers of 4(i.e a) we see that 3^4 satisfies all the conditions...thus d=1000, b=243

Soaham Ganguly
Jan 24, 2014

We start by looking at c 3 c^{3} = d 2 d^{2} . Many ordered pairs of positive integers (c,d) satisfy this relationship, for example (4.8), (9,27) and so on. But we can appreciate that such a relationship can only exist if the chosen c is a perfect square.

Now, it is given that c a = 19 c-a=19 . So we can say for sure that c > 20 c>20

Also, a 5 a^{5} = b 4 b^{4} , which again suggests that a must also be a perfect square.

So we look for a c > 20 c>20 such that c a = 19 c-a=19 and a a is a perfect square. The ordered pair (c,a) is definitely ( 100 , 81 ) (100,81)

Thus, d = 1000 d=1000 and b = 243 b=243

Which gives us d b = 757 d-b=\boxed{757}

Dennis Gulko
Jan 12, 2014

If a 5 = b 4 a^5=b^4 then a = x 4 a=x^4 and b = x 5 b=x^5 . Similarily, c = y 2 c=y^2 and d = y 3 d=y^3 . So we have 19 = c a = y 2 x 4 = ( y x 2 ) ( y + x 2 ) 19=c-a=y^2-x^4=(y-x^2)(y+x^2) . Since wll terms are positive integers, we have y x 2 < y + x 2 y-x^2<y+x^2 and { y x 2 , y + x 2 } = { 1 , 19 } \{y-x^2,y+x^2\}=\{1,19\} . Hence y x 2 = 1 y-x^2=1 and y + x 2 = 19 y+x^2=19 . Solving, we get y = 10 , x = 3 y=10, x=3 . So d b = y 3 x 5 = 1000 243 = 757 d-b=y^3-x^5=1000-243=757

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