Sum Of 3 Digit Numbers

Consider all (positive) three-digit numbers which can be written using the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, with repetitions.

What is their sum?

The answer is 17760.

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1 solution

Rajdeep Brahma
Mar 28, 2017

There can be total 4^3=64 no.s.16 of each of these no.s has last digit 1,16other have 2,16 other have 3 & 16 other have 4.So,TOTAL SUM of unit place =(1+2+3+4)X16X10^0=160.TOTAL SUM of tenth place =(1+2+3+4)X16X10^1=1600............. FINAL SUM=160+1600+16000=17760

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