All powers of 11 are related to the Pascal Triangle

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 \\ 1 \ \ 1 \\ 1 \ \ 2 \ \ 1 \\ 1 \ \ 3 \ \ 3 \ \ 1 \\ 1 \ \ 4 \ \ 6 \ \ 4 \ \ 1 \\ 1 \ 5 \ 10 \ 10 \ 5 \ 1 \\

Above shows the first 6 rows of a Pascal Triangle. By concatenating the numbers in their respective rows, we can see that the first five equations are true.

1 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 11 1 1 2 = 121 1 1 3 = 1331 1 1 4 = 14641 \begin{aligned} 11^0 &=& 1 \\ 11^1 &=& 11 \\ 11^2 &=& 121 \\ 11^3 &=& 1331 \\ 11^4 &=& 14641 \end{aligned}

What is the value of 1 1 5 11^5 ?

The answer is 161051.

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3 solutions

Patrick Heebels
May 30, 2015

In this problem the number 10 cannot take up 2 spaces in the decimal system and therefore the number 10 will result in a carry , which we can represent with a subscript, i.e. " 1 0 _10 ".

By concatenating " 1 , 5 , 10 , 10 , 5 , 1 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1 " and utilizing writing the carry as a subscript the result is:

1 1 5 = 1 5 1 0 1 051 11^5 = 15_10_1051

Adding up from right to left and taking the carry along to the left we get: 1 5 1 0 1 051 = 161051 15_10_1051 = 161051

Moderator note:

Right on point!

Bonus question 1 : You are given the numbers in the 10th row of the Pascal Triangle (from left to right) to be 1 , 10 , 45 , 120 , 210 , 252 , 210 , 120 , 45 , 10 , 1 1,10,45,120,210,252,210,120,45,10,1 , can you work out the value of 1 1 10 11^{10} in a similar manner?

Bonus question 2 : For positive integer n n , is it possible to work out the value of the 1 1 n + 1 11^{n+1} if you're given all the numbers in the n th n^\text{th} row of the Pascal Triangle? If yes, can you work out the value of 1 1 n + 1 11^{n+1} without knowing the value of 1 1 n 11^n ?

Thank you mr. Chung!

Nice bonus questions as well.

Bonus question 1: reply

The solution is basically equivalent for the 1 0 t h 10^{th} row as I described earlier as long as you keep in mind that the carry does not have be a single-digit number.

When we concatenate the numbers in the 1 0 t h 10^{th} row from right to left, we only jot down the unit-digit of each number, say a a and carry the remaining digits (this will be a ( a mod 10 ) 10 \frac{a - (a \text{ mod } 10)}{10} to the number adjacent to the left of it.

So we get:

The 1 s t 1^{st} digit from the right is just the 1 with no carry .

The 2 n d 2^{nd} digit is 10 (mod 10 ) = 0 10 \text{ (mod } 10) = 0 and the carry is 10 0 10 = 1 \frac{10-0}{10} = 1

The 3 r d 3^{rd} digit is 45 + 1 (mod 10 ) = 6 45 + 1 \text{ (mod } 10) = 6 and the carry is 46 6 10 = 4 \frac{46-6}{10} = 4

The 4 t h 4^{th} digit from the right is 120 + 4 (mod 10 ) = 4 120 + 4 \text{ (mod } 10) = 4 and the carry is 124 4 10 = 12 \frac{124-4}{10} = 12

The 5 t h 5^{th} digit from the right is 210 + 12 (mod 10 ) = 2 210 + 12 \text{ (mod } 10) = 2 and the carry is 222 2 10 = 22 \frac{222-2}{10} = 22

et cetera, et cetera, ...

If we continue is this fashion all the unit-digits from right to left are: 1 , 0 , 6 , 4 , 2 , 4 , 7 , 3 , 9 , 5 , 2 1, 0, 6, 4, 2, 4, 7, 3, 9, 5, 2

Writing them from left to right gives 1 1 10 = 25937424601 11^{10} = 25937424601 .

Note: I realize is it easier done than said ;-) !


Realizing that the numbers in the n t h n^{th} row of Pascal's triangle are the binomial coefficients ( n 0 ) {n \choose 0} , ( n 1 ) {n \choose 1} , ( n 2 ) {n \choose 2} , ..., ( n n ) {n \choose n} and using the binomial theorem we can visually figure out 1 1 10 11^{10} as follows disregarding the powers of 10, but using these as place-holders:

1 0
  4 5
  1 2 0
    2 1 0
      2 5 2
        2 1 0
          1 2 0
              4 5
                1 0
---------------------- +
2 5 9 3 7 4 2 4 6 0 1

Bonus question 2: reply

1 s t 1^{st} part:

The given strategy will work on any row and will give the value for 1 1 n + 1 11^{n+1} provided the n t h n^{th} row of Pascal's triangle is given.

2 n d 2^{nd} part:

If we remember the binomial theorem:

( a + b ) n = k = 0 n ( n k ) a k b n k (a + b)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} \cdot a^k \cdot b^{n-k}

and setting a = 10 a = 10 and b = 1 b = 1 then all we basically need to do is calculate ( n k ) {n \choose k} because a k = 1 0 k a^k = 10^k is easy enough and b n k = 1 n k = 1 b^{n-k} = 1^{n-k} = 1 .

These binomial coefficients ( n + 1 0 ) {n+1 \choose 0} , ( n + 1 1 ) {n+1 \choose 1} , ( n + 1 2 ) {n+1 \choose 2} , ..., ( n + 1 n + 1 ) {n+1 \choose n+1} will give us the numbers in the ( n + 1 ) t h (n+1)^{th} row of Pascal's triangle and the method described above will give the result of 1 1 n + 1 11^{n+1} .

This is by all means not a very fast method when the exponent is large, so I have doubts my method is the one you have in mind.

Patrick Heebels - 6 years ago
Smruti Charkha
May 31, 2015

This is just the addition to the other solution, I think this might be helpful in understanding why exactly this happens?

11 X 11 = 11 + 110 = 121

Here, 2 is the addition of 1 at unit's and 1 at ten's place. This is all because, the required number is simply the addition of 10 times the number and the number itself.

number X 11 = number X (10 + 1) = 10 X number + number

A = 10 X number and

B = number

In A, every digit is shifted to left by one place of significance than B. Hence the solution is in such a way. In Pascals triangle as well, we just add two numbers and add carry if it's there like in row two 1 and 1 to get 2, in row 3, 1 and 2 to get 3. Thus, the equity is attained.

Altaf Ahmed
Dec 10, 2015

1 5 10 10 5 1

=1 (5+1) (0+1) 0 5 1


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