Block, Capacitor, and Pneumatic Cylinder

Classical Mechanics Level pending

In the setup shown, there is a block, a capacitor, and a pneumatic cylinder. The block is a thermal and electrical insulator. The capacitor consists of a pair of identical electrically conducting plates, and there is no dielectric between the plates. The pneumatic cylinder consists of an enclosure, and a piston, and contains an ideal monatomic gas.

The right plate and the piston are attached to the block. The left plate and the enclosure are fixed in position. The block can move horizontally. The combined mass of the block, the right plate, and the piston is negligible. When the block moves, the velocity and the acceleration are negligible. The combined mass is always in mechanical equilibrium. The wires do not exert force on the plates. There is no friction between the enclosure and the piston.

The plates are planar and circular. The line through the centers of the plates is perpendicular to both plates. The thickness of the plates is much smaller than the separation between the plates. The radius of the plates is much larger than the separation between the plates. The plates carry equal but opposite electrical charge. The capacitor is always charged, and does not reverse its polarity. The charges on the plates are uniformly distributed across the area of the plates. The electric field between the plates is uniform and the electric field outside of the capacitor is negligible.

A three state switch allows the capacitor to be charged by an electrical source, or discharged by an electrical load, or disconnected from both electrical source and load. When the gas absorbs heat, the heat comes from a heat source. When the gas releases heat, the heat goes to a heat sink. The charging and discharging of the capacitor, and the absorption and releasing of heat by the gas, are processes that happen very slowly.

The setup goes through a cyclic sequence consisting of four phases. Each phase consists of simultaneous processes:

Phase 1: The block stays at its position. The capacitor charge is doubled by the electrical source. The gas absorbs heat from the heat source.

Phase 2: The switch is open. The block moves to the right, doubling both the separation between the plates and the volume of the gas. The gas absorbs heat from the heat source.

Phase 3: The block stays at its position. The capacitor charge is halved by the electrical load. The gas releases heat to the heat sink.

Phase 4: The switch is open. The block moves to the left, halving both the separation between the plates and the volume of the gas. The gas releases heat to the heat sink.

The efficiency of the cycle is:

W L O A D W S O U R C E + Q S O U R C E = A B \frac { W_{LOAD} } { W_{SOURCE} + Q_{SOURCE} } = \frac {A} {B}

W L O A D , W S O U R C E , Q S O U R C E W_{LOAD}, W_{SOURCE}, Q_{SOURCE} , are the energy delivered to the electrical load, the energy supplied by the electrical source, and the heat supplied by the heat source, respectively. A A and B B are positive coprime integers.

Determine the product A B A \cdot B .

The answer is 420.

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1 solution

The electrical potential energy U c a p U_{cap} , of a capacitance C C , carrying charge Q c a p Q_{cap} is:

U c a p = Q c a p 2 2 C U_{cap} = \frac { {Q_{cap}}^2 } { 2 C }

For a parallel plate capacitor, with plate area A c a p A_{cap} , plate separation d c a p d_{cap} , and no dielectric:

C = ϵ 0 A c a p d c a p C = \frac { \epsilon_0 A_{cap} } { d_{cap} }


U c a p = Q c a p 2 d c a p 2 ϵ 0 A c a p U_{cap} = \frac { {Q_{cap}}^2 d_{cap} } { 2 \epsilon_0 A_{cap} }

If we let λ \lambda be the value of U c a p U_{cap} at the start of phase 1, which is also the end of phase 4, then, 4 λ 4 \lambda , 8 λ 8 \lambda , and 2 λ 2 \lambda , are the corresponding values of U c a p U_{cap} at the end of phases 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

The corresponding values for the change in electrical potential energy Δ U c a p \Delta U_{cap} of the capacitor, for phases 1, 2, 3, and 4, are 3 λ 3 \lambda , 4 λ 4 \lambda , 6 λ -6 \lambda , and λ - \lambda , respectively.

Two processes that contribute to Δ U c a p \Delta U_{cap} are:

1) The electrical work done by external circuitry to transfer charge carriers between the plates, W t e r m W_{term}

2) The mechanical work done by the electrical force on the block-right plate-piston system, W E B W_{EB}


Δ U c a p = W t e r m W E B \Delta U_{cap} = W_{term} - W_{EB}

For phases 1 and 3, the block maintains its position, W E B = 0 W_{EB} = 0 , and for phases 2 and 4, the switch is open, W t e r m = 0 W_{term} = 0 .

We can now complete this table:

Phase Δ U c a p \Delta U_{cap} W t e r m W_{term} W E B W_{EB}
1 3 λ 3 \lambda 3 λ 3 \lambda 0 0
2 4 λ 4 \lambda 0 0 4 λ -4 \lambda
3 6 λ -6 \lambda 6 λ -6 \lambda 0 0
4 λ - \lambda 0 0 λ \lambda

There are only two forces acting on the block-right plate-piston system that have a horizontal component. In fact, both forces are purely horizontal:

1) The rightward push by the gas on the piston

2) The leftward pull by the left plate on the right plate

To achieve mechanical equilibrium, the two forces must have equal magnitudes:

P g a s A p i s t o n = Q c a p E l e f t P_{gas} A_{piston} = Q_{cap} E_{left}

E l e f t E_{left} is the contribution of the left plate to the electric field of the capacitor which we can determine using Gauss' Law:

E l e f t = Q c a p 2 ϵ 0 A c a p E_{left} = \frac { Q_{cap} } { 2 \epsilon_0 A_{cap} }

From the Ideal Gas Law, where d g a s d_{gas} is the distance between the left end of the piston and the left end of the enclosure, and R R is the ideal gas constant:

P g a s A p i s t o n d g a s = n g a s R T g a s P_{gas} A_{piston} d_{gas} = n_{gas} R T_{gas}

The last three equations will yield:

Q c a p 2 d g a s 2 ϵ 0 A c a p = n g a s R T g a s \frac { { Q_{cap} }^2 d_{gas} } { 2 \epsilon_0 A_{cap} } = n_{gas} R T_{gas}

It can be shown that d g a s = d c a p d_{gas} = d_{cap} , and recognizing U c a p U_{cap} , we get:

U c a p = n g a s R T g a s U_{cap} = n_{gas} R T_{gas}

The internal energy of an ideal monatomic gas is:

U g a s = 3 2 n g a s R T g a s U_{gas} = \frac {3} {2} n_{gas} R T_{gas}


U g a s = 3 2 U c a p U_{gas} = \frac {3} {2} U_{cap}

Δ U g a s = 3 2 Δ U c a p \Delta U_{gas} = \frac {3} {2} \Delta U_{cap}

The two forces cancel each other, so the work done by the gas must be:

W g a s = W E B W_{gas} = - W_{EB}

The heat transferred to the gas can be calculated using the First Law of Thermodynamics:

Δ U g a s = Q g a s W g a s \Delta U_{gas} = Q_{gas} - W_{gas}

We apply the last three equations on the entries of the first table, to calculate the entries of this second table:

Phase Δ U g a s \Delta U_{gas} Q g a s Q_{gas} W g a s W_{gas}
1 9 2 λ \frac {9} {2} \lambda 9 2 λ \frac {9} {2} \lambda 0 0
2 6 λ 6 \lambda 10 λ 10 \lambda 4 λ 4 \lambda
3 9 λ -9 \lambda 9 λ -9 \lambda 0 0
4 3 2 λ - \frac {3} {2} \lambda 5 2 λ - \frac {5} {2} \lambda λ - \lambda

In Phase 3, the capacitor delivers electrical energy to the electrical load:

W L O A D = 6 λ W_{LOAD} = 6 \lambda

In Phase 1, the electrical source supplies electrical energy to the capacitor:

W S O U R C E = 3 λ W_{SOURCE} = 3 \lambda

In Phases 1 and 2, the gas absorbs heat from the heat source:

Q S O U R C E = 29 2 λ Q_{SOURCE} = \frac {29} {2} \lambda

Therefore, the efficiency of the cycle is:

W L O A D W S O U R C E + Q S O U R C E = 12 35 \frac { W_{LOAD} } { W_{SOURCE} + Q_{SOURCE} } = \boxed {\frac {12} {35}}

@David Mattingly , and @Brilliant Physics , I would like to respectfully ask, if there is something wrong with my problem? It has been a week since I posted this problem, and nobody has solved it yet.

Ramon Vicente Marquez - 1 year, 1 month ago

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