Blue numbers wow

A positive integer n n is called blue, if there exist three (not necessarily distinct) numbers > 1 >1 ( a , b , c , a, b, c, ), such that n = a b c n=abc .

Does there exist 1000000 consecutive postive integers, such that each of them is blue?

No, there doesn’t exist Yes, there exist

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1 solution

Patrick Corn
Nov 24, 2017

Let k = 1000000. k=1000000. There is a sequence of k k consecutive composite numbers for any k k : e.g. ( k + 1 ) ! + 2 , ( k + 1 ) ! + 3 , , ( k + 1 ) ! + ( k + 1 ) . (k+1)! + 2, (k+1)! + 3, \ldots, (k+1)!+(k+1).

Now let m = ( k + 1 ) ! + 2 m = (k+1)!+2 and let n = ( k + 1 ) ! + ( k + 1 ) , n = (k+1)!+(k+1), so the sequence of k k consecutive integers from m m to n n consists of composite numbers. Then n ! + m , n ! + ( m + 1 ) , , n ! + n n!+m, n!+(m+1), \ldots, n!+n is the sequence we want.

But being composite isn't enough. For example, any number of the form p q pq , where p p and q q are primes, is composite but not blue.

Jon Haussmann - 3 years, 6 months ago

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Right, but my sequence is blue: n ! + d = d e n!+d = de for some e > 1 , e > 1, and d d is composite, so d e de is blue.

Patrick Corn - 3 years, 6 months ago

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Ok, thanks for clarifying.

Jon Haussmann - 3 years, 6 months ago

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